


      let X be TopStruct;

      let f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      :: CC0SP2:def1

      attr f is continuous means for Y be Subset of COMPLEX st Y is closed holds (f " Y) is closed;



      let X be 1-sorted, y be Complex;

      :: CC0SP2:def2

      func X --> y -> Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX equals (the carrier of X --> y);



        y in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;

        hence thesis by FUNCOP_1: 45;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:1


     Th1: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for y be Complex holds for f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX st f = (X --> y) holds f is continuous


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let y be Complex;

      let f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A1: f = (X --> y);

      set H = the carrier of X;

      set HX = ( [#] X);

      let P1 be Subset of COMPLEX such that P1 is closed;

      per cases ;

        suppose y in P1;

        then (f " P1) = HX by A1, FUNCOP_1: 14;

        hence (f " P1) is closed;


        suppose not y in P1;

        then (f " P1) = ( {} X) by A1, FUNCOP_1: 16;

        hence (f " P1) is closed;




      let X be non empty TopSpace, y be Complex;

      cluster (X --> y) -> continuous;

      coherence by Th1;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster continuous for Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;



        take f = (X --> 0c );

        thus thesis;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:2


     Th2: for X be non empty TopSpace, f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds (f is continuous iff for Y be Subset of COMPLEX st Y is open holds (f " Y) is open)


      let X be non empty TopSpace, f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;



         A1: f is continuous;

        let Y be Subset of COMPLEX ;

        assume Y is open;

        then (Y ` ) is closed by CFDIFF_1:def 11;


         A2: (f " (Y ` )) is closed by A1;

        (f " (Y ` )) = ((f " COMPLEX ) \ (f " Y)) by FUNCT_1: 69

        .= (( [#] X) \ (f " Y)) by FUNCT_2: 40;

        then (( [#] X) \ (( [#] X) \ (f " Y))) is open by A2, PRE_TOPC:def 3;

        hence (f " Y) is open by PRE_TOPC: 3;



       A3: for Y be Subset of COMPLEX st Y is open holds (f " Y) is open;

      let Y be Subset of COMPLEX ;


       A4: Y is closed;

      Y = ((Y ` ) ` );

      then (Y ` ) is open by A4, CFDIFF_1:def 11;


       A5: (f " (Y ` )) is open by A3;

      (f " (Y ` )) = ((f " COMPLEX ) \ (f " Y)) by FUNCT_1: 69

      .= (( [#] X) \ (f " Y)) by FUNCT_2: 40;

      hence (f " Y) is closed by A5, PRE_TOPC:def 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:3


     Th3: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds (f is continuous iff for x be Point of X holds for V be Subset of COMPLEX st (f . x) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st (x in W & W is open & (f .: W) c= V))


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;



         A1: f is continuous;


          let x be Point of X;

          let V be Subset of COMPLEX ;

          set z = (f . x);

          reconsider z0 = z as Complex;

          assume z in V & V is open;


          consider N be Neighbourhood of z0 such that

           A2: N c= V by CFDIFF_1: 9;

          consider g be Real such that

           A3: 0 < g & { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < g } c= N by CFDIFF_1:def 5;

          set S = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < g };

          S c= COMPLEX


            let z be object;

            assume z in S;

            then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z0).| < g;

            hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



          reconsider S1 = S as Subset of COMPLEX ;

          take W = (f " S);


           A4: S1 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

          S is Neighbourhood of z0 by A3, CFDIFF_1: 6;

          then (f . x) in S by CFDIFF_1: 7;

          hence x in W by FUNCT_2: 38;

          thus W is open by A1, A4, Th2;

          (f .: (f " S)) c= S by FUNCT_1: 75;

          then (f .: W) c= N by A3;

          hence (f .: W) c= V by A2;


        hence for x be Point of X holds for V be Subset of COMPLEX st (f . x) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st x in W & W is open & (f .: W) c= V;



       A5: for x be Point of X holds for V be Subset of COMPLEX st (f . x) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st x in W & W is open & (f .: W) c= V;


        let Y be Subset of COMPLEX ;

        assume Y is closed;

        then ((Y ` ) ` ) is closed;


         A6: (Y ` ) is open by CFDIFF_1:def 11;

        for x be Point of X st x in ((f " Y) ` ) holds ex W be Subset of X st W is a_neighborhood of x & W c= ((f " Y) ` )


          let x be Point of X;

          assume x in ((f " Y) ` );

          then x in (f " (Y ` )) by FUNCT_2: 100;

          then (f . x) in (Y ` ) by FUNCT_2: 38;


          consider V be Subset of COMPLEX such that

           A7: (f . x) in V & V is open & V c= (Y ` ) by A6;

          consider W be Subset of X such that

           A8: x in W & W is open & (f .: W) c= V by A5, A7;

          take W;

          thus W is a_neighborhood of x by A8, CONNSP_2: 3;

          (f .: W) c= (Y ` ) by A7, A8;


           A9: (f " (f .: W)) c= (f " (Y ` )) by RELAT_1: 143;

          W c= (f " (f .: W)) by FUNCT_2: 42;

          then W c= (f " (Y ` )) by A9;

          hence W c= ((f " Y) ` ) by FUNCT_2: 100;


        then ((f " Y) ` ) is open by CONNSP_2: 7;

        then (((f " Y) ` ) ` ) is closed by TOPS_1: 4;

        hence (f " Y) is closed;


      hence f is continuous;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:4


     Th4: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for f,g be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds (f + g) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX


      let X be non empty TopSpace, f,g be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      set h = (f + g);


       A1: ( rng h) c= COMPLEX by MEMBERED: 1;

      ( dom h) = (( dom f) /\ ( dom g)) by VALUED_1:def 1

      .= (the carrier of X /\ ( dom g)) by PARTFUN1:def 2

      .= (the carrier of X /\ the carrier of X) by PARTFUN1:def 2;


      reconsider h as Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by A1, FUNCT_2: 2;


       A2: for x be Point of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) + (g . x)) by VALUED_1: 1;

      for p be Point of X, V be Subset of COMPLEX st (h . p) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V


        let p be Point of X, V be Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A3: (h . p) in V & V is open;

        reconsider z0 = (h . p) as Complex;

        consider N be Neighbourhood of z0 such that

         A4: N c= V by A3, CFDIFF_1: 9;

        consider r be Real such that

         A5: 0 < r & { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < r } c= N by CFDIFF_1:def 5;

        set S = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < r };

        reconsider z1 = (f . p) as Complex;

        set S1 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z1).| < (r / 2) };

        S1 c= COMPLEX


          let z be object;

          assume z in S1;

          then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z1).| < (r / 2);

          hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



        reconsider T1 = S1 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A6: T1 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

         |.(z1 - z1).| = 0 ;

        then z1 in S1 by A5;


        consider W1 be Subset of X such that

         A7: p in W1 & W1 is open & (f .: W1) c= S1 by A6, Th3;

        reconsider z2 = (g . p) as Complex;

        set S2 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z2).| < (r / 2) };

        S2 c= COMPLEX


          let z be object;

          assume z in S2;

          then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z2).| < (r / 2);

          hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



        reconsider T2 = S2 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A8: T2 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

         |.(z2 - z2).| = 0 ;

        then z2 in S2 by A5;


        consider W2 be Subset of X such that

         A9: p in W2 & W2 is open & (g .: W2) c= S2 by A8, Th3;

        set W = (W1 /\ W2);


         A10: W is open by A7, A9, TOPS_1: 11;


         A11: p in W by A7, A9, XBOOLE_0:def 4;

        (h .: W) c= S


          let z3 be object;

          assume z3 in (h .: W);


          consider x3 be object such that

           A12: x3 in ( dom h) & x3 in W & (h . x3) = z3 by FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A13: x3 in W1 by A12, XBOOLE_0:def 4;

          reconsider px = x3 as Point of X by A12;


           A14: px in the carrier of X;

          then px in ( dom f) by FUNCT_2:def 1;

          then (f . px) in (f .: W1) by A13, FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A15: (f . px) in S1 by A7;

          reconsider a1 = (f . px) as Complex;


           A16: ex aa1 be Complex st (f . px) = aa1 & |.(aa1 - z1).| < (r / 2) by A15;


           A17: x3 in W2 by A12, XBOOLE_0:def 4;

          px in ( dom g) by A14, FUNCT_2:def 1;

          then (g . px) in (g .: W2) by A17, FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A18: (g . px) in S2 by A9;

          reconsider a2 = (g . px) as Complex;

          ex aa2 be Complex st (g . px) = aa2 & |.(aa2 - z2).| < (r / 2) by A18;


           A19: |.(a2 - z2).| < (r / 2);

           |.((h . x3) - z0).| = |.(((f . px) + (g . px)) - z0).| by A2

          .= |.(((f . px) + (g . px)) - ((f . p) + (g . p))).| by A2

          .= |.((a1 - z1) + (a2 - z2)).|;


           A20: |.((h . px) - z0).| <= ( |.(a1 - z1).| + |.(a2 - z2).|) by COMPLEX1: 56;


           A21: ( |.(a1 - z1).| + |.(a2 - z2).|) < ((r / 2) + |.(a2 - z2).|) by A16, XREAL_1: 8;

          ((r / 2) + |.(a2 - z2).|) < ((r / 2) + (r / 2)) by A19, XREAL_1: 8;

          then ( |.(a1 - z1).| + |.(a2 - z2).|) < r by A21, XXREAL_0: 2;

          then |.((h . px) - z0).| < r by A20, XXREAL_0: 2;

          hence z3 in S by A12;


        then (h .: W) c= N by A5;

        hence ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V by A10, A11, A4, XBOOLE_1: 1;


      hence thesis by Th3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:5


     Th5: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for a be Complex holds for f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds (a (#) f) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let a be Complex;

      let f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      set h = (a (#) f);


       A1: for x be Point of X holds (h . x) = (a * (f . x)) by VALUED_1: 6;


        per cases ;


           A2: a <> 0 ;

          for p be Point of X, V be Subset of COMPLEX st (h . p) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V


            let p be Point of X, V be Subset of COMPLEX ;


             A3: (h . p) in V & V is open;

            reconsider z0 = (h . p) as Complex;

            consider N be Neighbourhood of z0 such that

             A4: N c= V by A3, CFDIFF_1: 9;

            consider r be Real such that

             A5: 0 < r & { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < r } c= N by CFDIFF_1:def 5;

            set S = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < r };


             A6: |.a.| > 0 by A2;


             A7: (r / |.a.|) > 0 by A2, A5;

            reconsider z1 = (f . p) as Complex;

            set S1 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z1).| < (r / |.a.|) };

            S1 c= COMPLEX


              let z be object;

              assume z in S1;

              then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z1).| < (r / |.a.|);

              hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



            reconsider T1 = S1 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


             A8: T1 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

             |.(z1 - z1).| = 0 ;

            then z1 in S1 by A7;


            consider W1 be Subset of X such that

             A9: p in W1 & W1 is open & (f .: W1) c= S1 by A8, Th3;

            set W = W1;


             A10: W is open by A9;


             A11: p in W by A9;

            (h .: W) c= S


              let z3 be object;

              assume z3 in (h .: W);


              consider x3 be object such that

               A12: x3 in ( dom h) & x3 in W & (h . x3) = z3 by FUNCT_1:def 6;

              reconsider px = x3 as Point of X by A12;

              px in the carrier of X;

              then px in ( dom f) by FUNCT_2:def 1;

              then (f . px) in (f .: W1) by A12, FUNCT_1:def 6;


               A13: (f . px) in S1 by A9;

              reconsider a1 = (f . px) as Complex;

              ex aa1 be Complex st (f . px) = aa1 & |.(aa1 - z1).| < (r / |.a.|) by A13;


               A14: |.(a1 - z1).| < (r / |.a.|);


               A15: |.((h . x3) - z0).| = |.((a * (f . px)) - z0).| by A1

              .= |.((a * (f . px)) - (a * (f . p))).| by A1

              .= |.(a * ((f . px) - (f . p))).|

              .= ( |.a.| * |.(a1 - z1).|) by COMPLEX1: 65;


               A16: ( |.a.| * |.(a1 - z1).|) < ( |.a.| * (r / |.a.|)) by A6, A14, XREAL_1: 68;

              ( |.a.| * (r / |.a.|)) = (r * ( |.a.| / |.a.|))

              .= (r * 1) by A6, XCMPLX_1: 60

              .= r;

              then |.((h . px) - z0).| < r by A15, A16;

              hence z3 in S by A12;


            then (h .: W) c= N by A5;

            hence ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V by A10, A11, A4, XBOOLE_1: 1;


          hence (a (#) f) is continuous by Th3;



           A17: a = 0 ;

          set g = (X --> 0c );

          set CX = the carrier of X;


           A18: ( dom g) = CX by FUNCOP_1: 13;

          ( dom h) = CX by FUNCT_2:def 1;


           A19: ( dom g) = ( dom h) by A18;

          for z be object st z in ( dom h) holds (g . z) = (h . z)


            let z be object;


             A20: z in ( dom h);

            (h . z) = ( 0 * (f . z)) by A17, VALUED_1: 6

            .= 0 ;

            hence thesis by A20, FUNCOP_1: 7;


          hence (a (#) f) is continuous by A19, FUNCT_1:def 11;



      hence thesis;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:6

    for X be non empty TopSpace, f,g be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds (f - g) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let f,g be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      (( - 1) (#) g) is continuous by Th5;

      hence thesis by Th4;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:7


     Th7: for X be non empty TopSpace, f,g be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds (f (#) g) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX


      let X be non empty TopSpace, f,g be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      set h = (f (#) g);


       A1: for x be Point of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) * (g . x)) by VALUED_1: 5;

      for p be Point of X, V be Subset of COMPLEX st (h . p) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V


        let p be Point of X, V be Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A2: (h . p) in V & V is open;

        reconsider z0 = (h . p) as Complex;

        consider N be Neighbourhood of z0 such that

         A3: N c= V by A2, CFDIFF_1: 9;

        consider r be Real such that

         A4: 0 < r & { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < r } c= N by CFDIFF_1:def 5;

        set S = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z0).| < r };

        reconsider z1 = (f . p) as Complex;

        reconsider z2 = (g . p) as Complex;

        set a = (( |.z1.| + |.z2.|) + 1);

        set S1 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z1).| < (r / a) };

        S1 c= COMPLEX


          let z be object;

          assume z in S1;

          then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z1).| < (r / a);

          hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



        reconsider T1 = S1 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A5: T1 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

         |.(z1 - z1).| = 0 ;

        then z1 in S1 by A4;


        consider W1 be Subset of X such that

         A6: p in W1 & W1 is open & (f .: W1) c= S1 by A5, Th3;

        set S2 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z2).| < (r / a) };

        S2 c= COMPLEX


          let z be object;

          assume z in S2;

          then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z2).| < (r / a);

          hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



        reconsider T2 = S2 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A7: T2 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

         |.(z2 - z2).| = 0 ;

        then z2 in S2 by A4;


        consider W2 be Subset of X such that

         A8: p in W2 & W2 is open & (g .: W2) c= S2 by A7, Th3;

        reconsider jj = 1 as Real;

        set S3 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z1).| < jj };

        S3 c= COMPLEX


          let z be object;

          assume z in S3;

          then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z1).| < 1;

          hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



        reconsider T3 = S3 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A9: T3 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

         |.(z1 - z1).| = 0 ;

        then z1 in S3;


        consider W3 be Subset of X such that

         A10: p in W3 & W3 is open & (f .: W3) c= S3 by A9, Th3;

        set W = ((W1 /\ W2) /\ W3);

        (W1 /\ W2) is open by A6, A8, TOPS_1: 11;


         A11: W is open by A10, TOPS_1: 11;

        p in (W1 /\ W2) by A6, A8, XBOOLE_0:def 4;


         A12: p in W by A10, XBOOLE_0:def 4;

        (h .: W) c= S


          let z3 be object;

          assume z3 in (h .: W);


          consider x3 be object such that

           A13: x3 in ( dom h) & x3 in W & (h . x3) = z3 by FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A14: x3 in (W1 /\ W2) by A13, XBOOLE_0:def 4;


           A15: x3 in W1 by XBOOLE_0:def 4;

          reconsider px = x3 as Point of X by A13;


           A16: px in the carrier of X;

          then px in ( dom f) by FUNCT_2:def 1;

          then (f . px) in (f .: W1) by A15, FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A17: (f . px) in S1 by A6;

          reconsider a1 = (f . px) as Complex;

          ex aa1 be Complex st (f . px) = aa1 & |.(aa1 - z1).| < (r / a) by A17;


           A18: |.(a1 - z1).| < (r / a);


           A19: x3 in W2 by A14, XBOOLE_0:def 4;

          px in ( dom g) by A16, FUNCT_2:def 1;

          then (g . px) in (g .: W2) by A19, FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A20: (g . px) in S2 by A8;

          reconsider a2 = (g . px) as Complex;

          ex aa2 be Complex st (g . px) = aa2 & |.(aa2 - z2).| < (r / a) by A20;


           A21: |.(a2 - z2).| < (r / a);


           A22: x3 in W3 by A13, XBOOLE_0:def 4;

          px in ( dom f) by A16, FUNCT_2:def 1;

          then (f . px) in (f .: W3) by A22, FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A23: (f . px) in S3 by A10;

          reconsider a3 = (f . px) as Complex;

          ex aa3 be Complex st (f . px) = aa3 & |.(aa3 - z1).| < 1 by A23;


           A24: |.(a3 - z1).| < 1;

           |.((a1 - z1) + z1).| <= ( |.(a1 - z1).| + |.z1.|) by COMPLEX1: 56;

          then ( |.a1.| - |.z1.|) <= (( |.(a1 - z1).| + |.z1.|) - |.z1.|) by XREAL_1: 9;

          then ( |.a1.| - |.z1.|) < 1 by A24, XXREAL_0: 2;

          then (( |.a1.| - |.z1.|) + |.z1.|) < (1 + |.z1.|) by XREAL_1: 8;


           A25: |.a1.| < (1 + |.z1.|);


           A26: |.((h . x3) - z0).| = |.(((f . px) * (g . px)) - z0).| by A1

          .= |.((a1 * a2) - (z1 * z2)).| by A1

          .= |.(((a1 * a2) - (a1 * z2)) + ((a1 * z2) - (z1 * z2))).|;


           A27: |.((h . x3) - z0).| <= ( |.((a1 * a2) - (a1 * z2)).| + |.((a1 * z2) - (z1 * z2)).|) by A26, COMPLEX1: 56;

          ( |.((a1 * a2) - (a1 * z2)).| + |.((a1 * z2) - (z1 * z2)).|) = ( |.(a1 * (a2 - z2)).| + |.(z2 * (a1 - z1)).|)

          .= (( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) + |.(z2 * (a1 - z1)).|) by COMPLEX1: 65

          .= (( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) + ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|)) by COMPLEX1: 65;


           A28: |.((h . x3) - z0).| <= (( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) + ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|)) by A27;


           A29: ( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) <= ( |.a1.| * (r / a)) by A21, XREAL_1: 66;

          ( |.a1.| * (r / a)) < ((1 + |.z1.|) * (r / a)) by A25, A4, XREAL_1: 68;


           A30: ( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) < ((1 + |.z1.|) * (r / a)) by A29, XXREAL_0: 2;


           A31: ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|) <= ( |.z2.| * (r / a)) by A18, XREAL_1: 66;


           A32: (( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) + ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|)) < (((1 + |.z1.|) * (r / a)) + ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|)) by A30, XREAL_1: 8;

          (((1 + |.z1.|) * (r / a)) + ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|)) <= (((1 + |.z1.|) * (r / a)) + ( |.z2.| * (r / a))) by A31, XREAL_1: 6;

          then (( |.a1.| * |.(a2 - z2).|) + ( |.z2.| * |.(a1 - z1).|)) < (((1 + |.z1.|) * (r / a)) + ( |.z2.| * (r / a))) by A32, XXREAL_0: 2;


           A33: |.((h . x3) - z0).| < (r * (a / a)) by A28, XXREAL_0: 2;

          (a / a) = 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 7;

          then |.((h . px) - z0).| < r by A33;

          hence z3 in S by A13;


        then (h .: W) c= N by A4;

        hence ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V by A11, A12, A3, XBOOLE_1: 1;


      hence thesis by Th3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:8


     Th8: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds ( |.f.| is Function of the carrier of X, REAL & |.f.| is continuous)


      let X be non empty TopSpace, f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      reconsider h = |.f.| as Function of the carrier of X, REAL ;

      for p be Point of X, V be Subset of REAL st (h . p) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V


        let p be Point of X, V be Subset of REAL ;


         A1: (h . p) in V & V is open;

        reconsider r0 = (h . p) as Real;

        consider r be Real such that

         A2: 0 < r & ].(r0 - r), (r0 + r).[ c= V by A1, RCOMP_1: 19;

        set S = ].(r0 - r), (r0 + r).[;

        reconsider z1 = (f . p) as Complex;

        set S1 = { y where y be Complex : |.(y - z1).| < r };

        S1 c= COMPLEX


          let z be object;

          assume z in S1;

          then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z1).| < r;

          hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



        reconsider T1 = S1 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


         A3: T1 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

         |.(z1 - z1).| = 0 ;

        then z1 in S1 by A2;


        consider W1 be Subset of X such that

         A4: p in W1 & W1 is open & (f .: W1) c= S1 by A3, Th3;

        set W = W1;


         A5: W is open by A4;


         A6: p in W by A4;

        (h .: W) c= ].(r0 - r), (r0 + r).[


          let x be object;

          assume x in (h .: W);


          consider z be object such that

           A7: z in ( dom h) & z in W & (h . z) = x by FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A8: z in W1 by A7;

          reconsider pz = z as Point of X by A7;

          pz in the carrier of X;

          then pz in ( dom f) by FUNCT_2:def 1;

          then (f . pz) in (f .: W1) by A8, FUNCT_1:def 6;


           A9: (f . pz) in S1 by A4;

          reconsider a1 = (f . pz) as Complex;

          ex aa1 be Complex st (f . pz) = aa1 & |.(aa1 - z1).| < r by A9;


           A10: |.(a1 - z1).| < r;


           A11: |.((h . z) - r0).| = |.( |.(f . pz).| - ( |.f.| . p)).| by VALUED_1: 18

          .= |.( |.(f . pz).| - |.(f . p).|).| by VALUED_1: 18;

           |.( |.(f . pz).| - |.(f . p).|).| <= |.((f . pz) - (f . p)).| by COMPLEX1: 64;

          then |.( |.(f . pz).| - |.(f . p).|).| < r by A10, XXREAL_0: 2;

          hence x in S by A7, A11, RCOMP_1: 1;


        hence ex W be Subset of X st p in W & W is open & (h .: W) c= V by A5, A6, A2, XBOOLE_1: 1;


      hence thesis by C0SP2: 1;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def3

      func CContinuousFunctions (X) -> Subset of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) equals the set of all f where f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;



        set A = the set of all f where f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

        A c= ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ))


          let x be object;

          assume x in A;

          then ex f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX st x = f;

          hence x in ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX )) by FUNCT_2: 8;


        hence thesis;




      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( CContinuousFunctions X) -> non empty;



        (X --> 0c ) in the set of all f where f be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

        hence thesis;




      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( CContinuousFunctions X) -> Cadditively-linearly-closed multiplicatively-closed;



        set W = ( CContinuousFunctions X);

        set V = ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

        for v,u be Element of V st v in W & u in W holds (v + u) in W


          let v,u be Element of V such that

           A1: v in W & u in W;

          consider v1 be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

           A2: v1 = v by A1;

          consider u1 be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

           A3: u1 = u by A1;

          reconsider h = (v + u) as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));


           A4: ex f be Function st h = f & ( dom f) = the carrier of X & ( rng f) c= COMPLEX by FUNCT_2:def 2;

          (( dom v1) /\ ( dom u1)) = (the carrier of X /\ ( dom u1)) by FUNCT_2:def 1;


           A5: (( dom v1) /\ ( dom u1)) = (the carrier of X /\ the carrier of X) by FUNCT_2:def 1;

          for x be object st x in ( dom h) holds (h . x) = ((v1 . x) + (u1 . x)) by A2, A3, CFUNCDOM: 1;


           A6: (v + u) = (v1 + u1) by A5, A4, VALUED_1:def 1;

          (v1 + u1) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by Th4;

          hence (v + u) in W by A6;



         A7: W is add-closed by IDEAL_1:def 1;

        for v be Element of V st v in W holds ( - v) in W


          let v be Element of V such that

           A8: v in W;

          consider v1 be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

           A9: v1 = v by A8;

          reconsider h = ( - v), v2 = v as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));

          reconsider e = ( - 1r ) as Complex;


           A10: h = (e * v) by CLVECT_1: 3;


           A11: ex f be Function st h = f & ( dom f) = the carrier of X & ( rng f) c= COMPLEX by FUNCT_2:def 2;


           A12: ( dom v1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;


            let x be object;

            assume x in ( dom h);


            reconsider y = x as Element of the carrier of X;

            reconsider mj = ( - 1) as Element of COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;

            (h . x) = (mj * (v2 . y)) by A10, CFUNCDOM: 4;

            hence (h . x) = ( - (v1 . x)) by A9;



           A13: ( - v) = ( - v1) by A12, A11, VALUED_1: 9;

          (e (#) v1) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by Th5;

          hence ( - v) in W by A13;



         A14: W is having-inverse by C0SP1:def 1;

        for a be Complex, u be Element of V st u in W holds (a * u) in W


          let a be Complex, u be Element of V such that

           A15: u in W;

          consider u1 be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

           A16: u1 = u by A15;

          reconsider h = (a * u) as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));


           A17: ex f be Function st h = f & ( dom f) = the carrier of X & ( rng f) c= COMPLEX by FUNCT_2:def 2;


           A18: ( dom u1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;

          for x be object st x in ( dom h) holds (h . x) = (a * (u1 . x)) by A16, CFUNCDOM: 4;


           A19: (a * u) = (a (#) u1) by A18, A17, VALUED_1:def 5;

          (a (#) u1) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by Th5;

          hence (a * u) in W by A19;


        hence ( CContinuousFunctions X) is Cadditively-linearly-closed by A7, A14;


         A20: for v,u be Element of V st v in W & u in W holds (v * u) in W


          let v,u be Element of V such that

           A21: v in W & u in W;

          consider v1 be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

           A22: v1 = v by A21;

          consider u1 be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

           A23: u1 = u by A21;

          reconsider h = (v * u) as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));


           A24: ex f be Function st h = f & ( dom f) = the carrier of X & ( rng f) c= COMPLEX by FUNCT_2:def 2;

          (( dom v1) /\ ( dom u1)) = (the carrier of X /\ ( dom u1)) by FUNCT_2:def 1;


           A25: (( dom v1) /\ ( dom u1)) = (the carrier of X /\ the carrier of X) by FUNCT_2:def 1;

          for x be object st x in ( dom h) holds (h . x) = ((v1 . x) * (u1 . x)) by A22, A23, CFUNCDOM: 2;


           A26: (v * u) = (v1 (#) u1) by A25, A24, VALUED_1:def 4;

          (v1 (#) u1) is continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by Th7;

          hence (v * u) in W by A26;


        reconsider g = ( ComplexFuncUnit the carrier of X) as Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

        g = (X --> 1r );

        then ( 1. V) in W;

        hence thesis by A20, C0SP1:def 4;




      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def4

      func C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X -> ComplexAlgebra equals ComplexAlgebraStr (# ( CContinuousFunctions X), ( mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( Add_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( Mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( One_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( Zero_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) #);

      coherence by CC0SP1: 2;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:9

    for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> strict non empty;

      coherence ;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital commutative associative right_unital right-distributive vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative vector-associative;




          let v be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

          reconsider v1 = v as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by TARSKI:def 3;

          ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

          then ( 1r * v) = ( 1r * v1) by CC0SP1: 3;

          hence ( 1r * v) = v by CFUNCDOM: 12;


        hence thesis;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:10


     Th10: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for F,G,H be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX st f = F & g = G & h = H holds (H = (F + G) iff for x be Element of the carrier of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) + (g . x)))


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let F,G,H be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;


       A1: f = F & g = G & h = H;


       A2: ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

      reconsider f1 = F, g1 = G, h1 = H as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by TARSKI:def 3;



         A3: H = (F + G);

        let x be Element of the carrier of X;

        h1 = (f1 + g1) by A2, A3, CC0SP1: 3;

        hence (h . x) = ((f . x) + (g . x)) by A1, CFUNCDOM: 1;


      assume for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) + (g . x));

      then h1 = (f1 + g1) by A1, CFUNCDOM: 1;

      hence H = (F + G) by A2, CC0SP1: 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:11


     Th11: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for F,G be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds for a be Complex st f = F & g = G holds (G = (a * F) iff for x be Element of X holds (g . x) = (a * (f . x)))


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let F,G be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      let a be Complex;


       A1: f = F & g = G;


       A2: ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

      reconsider f1 = F, g1 = G as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by TARSKI:def 3;



         A3: G = (a * F);

        let x be Element of the carrier of X;

        g1 = (a * f1) by A2, A3, CC0SP1: 3;

        hence (g . x) = (a * (f . x)) by A1, CFUNCDOM: 4;


      assume for x be Element of the carrier of X holds (g . x) = (a * (f . x));

      then g1 = (a * f1) by A1, CFUNCDOM: 4;

      hence G = (a * F) by A2, CC0SP1: 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:12


     Th12: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for F,G,H be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX st f = F & g = G & h = H holds (H = (F * G) iff for x be Element of the carrier of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) * (g . x)))


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let F,G,H be VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;


       A1: f = F & g = G & h = H;


       A2: ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

      reconsider f1 = F, g1 = G, h1 = H as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by TARSKI:def 3;



         A3: H = (F * G);

        let x be Element of the carrier of X;

        h1 = (f1 * g1) by A2, A3, CC0SP1: 3;

        hence (h . x) = ((f . x) * (g . x)) by A1, CFUNCDOM: 2;


      assume for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) * (g . x));

      then h1 = (f1 * g1) by A1, CFUNCDOM: 2;

      hence H = (F * G) by A2, CC0SP1: 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:13


     Th13: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( 0. ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = (X --> 0c )


      let X be non empty TopSpace;


       A1: ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

      ( 0. ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)) = (X --> 0c );

      hence ( 0. ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = (X --> 0 ) by A1, CC0SP1: 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:14


     Th14: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( 1_ ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = (X --> 1r )


      let X be non empty TopSpace;


       A1: ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

      ( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)) = (X --> 1r );

      hence ( 1_ ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = (X --> 1r ) by A1, CC0SP1: 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:15


     Th15: for A be ComplexAlgebra holds for A1,A2 be ComplexSubAlgebra of A st the carrier of A1 c= the carrier of A2 holds A1 is ComplexSubAlgebra of A2


      let A be ComplexAlgebra;

      let A1,A2 be ComplexSubAlgebra of A;


       A1: the carrier of A1 c= the carrier of A2;

      set CA1 = the carrier of A1;

      set CA2 = the carrier of A2;

      set AA = the addF of A;

      set mA = the multF of A;

      set MA = the Mult of A;


       A2: ( 0. A1) = ( 0. A) & ( 0. A2) = ( 0. A) & ( 1. A1) = ( 1. A) & ( 1. A2) = ( 1. A) by CC0SP1:def 1;


       A3: the addF of A1 = (the addF of A2 || the carrier of A1)


        (the addF of A1 = (the addF of A || the carrier of A1) & the addF of A2 = (the addF of A || the carrier of A2) & [:the carrier of A1, the carrier of A1:] c= [:the carrier of A2, the carrier of A2:]) by A1, CC0SP1:def 1, ZFMISC_1: 96;

        hence the addF of A1 = (the addF of A2 || the carrier of A1) by FUNCT_1: 51;



       A4: the multF of A1 = (the multF of A2 || the carrier of A1)


        (the multF of A1 = (the multF of A || the carrier of A1) & the multF of A2 = (the multF of A || the carrier of A2) & [:the carrier of A1, the carrier of A1:] c= [:the carrier of A2, the carrier of A2:]) by A1, CC0SP1:def 1, ZFMISC_1: 96;

        hence the multF of A1 = (the multF of A2 || the carrier of A1) by FUNCT_1: 51;


      the Mult of A1 = (the Mult of A2 | [: COMPLEX , the carrier of A1:])


        (the Mult of A1 = (the Mult of A | [: COMPLEX , the carrier of A1:]) & the Mult of A2 = (the Mult of A | [: COMPLEX , the carrier of A2:]) & [: COMPLEX , the carrier of A1:] c= [: COMPLEX , the carrier of A2:]) by A1, CC0SP1:def 1, ZFMISC_1: 96;

        hence the Mult of A1 = (the Mult of A2 | [: COMPLEX , the carrier of A1:]) by FUNCT_1: 51;


      hence A1 is ComplexSubAlgebra of A2 by A1, A2, A3, A4, CC0SP1:def 1;



     Lm1: for X be compact non empty TopSpace holds for x be set st x in ( CContinuousFunctions X) holds x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X)


      let X be compact non empty TopSpace;

      let x be set;

      assume x in ( CContinuousFunctions X);


      consider h be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A1: x = h;

       |.h.| is Function of the carrier of X, REAL & |.h.| is continuous by Th8;


      consider h1 be Function of the carrier of X, REAL such that

       A2: h1 = |.h.| & h1 is continuous;

      (h1 is bounded_above & h1 is bounded_below) by A2, SEQ_2:def 8;


      consider r1 be Real such that

       A3: for y be object st y in ( dom h1) holds (h1 . y) < r1 by SEQ_2:def 1;


       A4: for y be set st y in ( dom h) holds |.(h . y).| < r1


        let y be set;


         A5: y in ( dom h);


         A6: ( dom h1) = ( dom h) by A2, VALUED_1:def 11;

        (h1 . y) = |.(h . y).| by A2, VALUED_1: 18

        .= |.(h . y).|;

        hence thesis by A3, A5, A6;


      h is bounded by A4, COMSEQ_2:def 3;

      then (h | the carrier of X) is bounded by FUNCT_2: 33;

      hence x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by A1;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:16

    for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X)


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;


       A1: the carrier of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) c= the carrier of ( C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;


       A2: ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 2;

      ( C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) by CC0SP1: 4;

      hence ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexSubAlgebra of ( C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by A1, A2, Th15;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def5

      func CContinuousFunctionsNorm X -> Function of ( CContinuousFunctions X), REAL equals (( ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm the carrier of X) | ( CContinuousFunctions X));



        for x be object st x in ( CContinuousFunctions X) holds x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;

        then ( CContinuousFunctions X) c= ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);

        hence thesis by FUNCT_2: 32;




      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def6

      func C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X -> Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr equals Normed_Complex_AlgebraStr (# ( CContinuousFunctions X), ( mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( Add_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( Mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( One_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( Zero_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))), ( CContinuousFunctionsNorm X) #);

      correctness ;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> non empty strict;

      correctness ;




      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      set F = ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let x,e be Element of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);


       A1: e = ( One_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X)));

      set X1 = ( CContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider f = x as Element of ( CContinuousFunctions X);

      ( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)) = (X --> 1)

      .= ( 1_ ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) by Th14;


       A2: ( [f, ( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X))] in [:( CContinuousFunctions X), ( CContinuousFunctions X):] & [( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)), f] in [:( CContinuousFunctions X), ( CContinuousFunctions X):]) by ZFMISC_1: 87;

      (x * e) = (( mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) . (f,( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)))) by A1, C0SP1:def 8;

      then (x * e) = ((the multF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( CContinuousFunctions X)) . (f,( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)))) by C0SP1:def 6;

      then (x * e) = (f * ( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) by A2, FUNCT_1: 49;

      hence (x * e) = x;

      (e * x) = (( mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) . (( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)),f)) by A1, C0SP1:def 8;

      then (e * x) = ((the multF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( CContinuousFunctions X)) . (( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)),f)) by C0SP1:def 6;

      then (e * x) = (( 1_ ( CAlgebra the carrier of X)) * f) by A2, FUNCT_1: 49;

      hence (e * x) = x;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> unital;



        reconsider e = ( One_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) as Element of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

        take e;

        thus for b1 be Element of the carrier of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds (b1 * e) = b1 & (e * b1) = b1 by Lm2;




     Lm3: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for x be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for y be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x = y holds ||.x.|| = ||.y.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;


     Lm4: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x1 = y1 & x2 = y2 holds (x1 + x2) = (y1 + y2)


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: x1 = y1 & x2 = y2;


       A2: ( CContinuousFunctions X) is add-closed by CC0SP1:def 2;


       A3: ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is add-closed by CC0SP1:def 2;


      thus (x1 + x2) = ((the addF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( CContinuousFunctions X)) . [x1, x2]) by A2, C0SP1:def 5

      .= (the addF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . [x1, x2]) by FUNCT_1: 49

      .= ((the addF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) . [y1, y2]) by A1, FUNCT_1: 49

      .= (y1 + y2) by A3, C0SP1:def 5;



     Lm5: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for a be Complex holds for x be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for y be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x = y holds (a * x) = (a * y)


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let a be Complex;

      let x be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let y be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: x = y;

      reconsider a1 = a as Element of COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;


      thus (a * x) = ((the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) | [: COMPLEX , ( CContinuousFunctions X):]) . [a1, x]) by CC0SP1:def 3

      .= (the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . [a1, x]) by FUNCT_1: 49

      .= ((the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) | [: COMPLEX , ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X):]) . [a1, y]) by A1, FUNCT_1: 49

      .= (a * y) by CC0SP1:def 3;



     Lm6: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x1 = y1 & x2 = y2 holds (x1 * x2) = (y1 * y2)


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: x1 = y1 & x2 = y2;


      thus (x1 * x2) = ((the multF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( CContinuousFunctions X)) . [x1, x2]) by C0SP1:def 6

      .= (the multF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . [x1, x2]) by FUNCT_1: 49

      .= ((the multF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) . [y1, y2]) by A1, FUNCT_1: 49

      .= (y1 * y2) by C0SP1:def 6;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:17


     Th17: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexAlgebra


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      ( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = ( 1_ ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X));

      hence thesis by CC0SP1: 14;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative associative commutative right-distributive right_unital vector-associative;

      coherence by Th17;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:18

    for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds (( Mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) . ( 1r ,F)) = F


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      set X1 = ( CContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider f1 = F as Element of ( CContinuousFunctions X);


       A1: [1, f1] in [: COMPLEX , ( CContinuousFunctions X):] by ZFMISC_1: 87;

      (( Mult_ (( CContinuousFunctions X),( CAlgebra the carrier of X))) . (1,F)) = ((the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) | [: COMPLEX , ( CContinuousFunctions X):]) . (1,f1)) by CC0SP1:def 3

      .= (the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . (1,f1)) by A1, FUNCT_1: 49

      .= F by CFUNCDOM: 12;

      hence thesis;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital;



        for v be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds ( 1r * v) = v


          let v be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

          reconsider v1 = v as Element of ( CContinuousFunctions X);


           A1: ( 1r * v) = ((the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) | [: COMPLEX , ( CContinuousFunctions X):]) . [ 1r , v1]) by CC0SP1:def 3

          .= (the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . ( 1r ,v1)) by FUNCT_1: 49

          .= v1 by CFUNCDOM: 12;

          thus thesis by A1;


        hence ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is vector-distributive & ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:19

    for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is ComplexLinearSpace;

    theorem :: CC0SP2:20


     Th20: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds (X --> 0 ) = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      (X --> 0 ) = ( 0. ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) by Th13;

      hence (X --> 0 ) = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X));



     Lm7: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;


      thus ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = (X --> 0 ) by Th20

      .= ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) by CC0SP1: 18;



     Lm8: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds ( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = ( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;


      thus ( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)) = ( 1_ ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X))

      .= (X --> 1r ) by Th14

      .= ( 1_ ( C_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) by CC0SP1: 9

      .= ( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X));


    theorem :: CC0SP2:21

    for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds 0 <= ||.F.||


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider F1 = F as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;

       ||.F.|| = ||.F1.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;

      hence 0 <= ||.F.|| by CC0SP1: 20;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:22


     Th22: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds for F,G,H be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) st f = F & g = G & h = H holds (H = (F + G) iff for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) + (g . x)))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      let F,G,H be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider f1 = F, g1 = G, h1 = H as VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      (H = (F + G) iff h1 = (f1 + g1));

      hence thesis by Th10;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:23

    for a be Complex holds for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds for F,G be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) st f = F & g = G holds (G = (a * F) iff for x be Element of X holds (g . x) = (a * (f . x)))


      let a be Complex;

      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      let F,G be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider f1 = F, g1 = G as VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      (G = (a * F) iff g1 = (a * f1));

      hence thesis by Th11;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:24

    for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds for F,G,H be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) st f = F & g = G & h = H holds (H = (F * G) iff for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) * (g . x)))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      let F,G,H be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider f1 = F, g1 = G, h1 = H as VECTOR of ( C_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      H = (F * G) iff h1 = (f1 * g1);

      hence thesis by Th12;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:25


     Th25: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds ||.( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)).|| = 0


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      set F = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X));

      reconsider F1 = F as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;

      ( ||.F1.|| = 0 iff F1 = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X))) by CC0SP1: 25;

      hence thesis by Lm7, FUNCT_1: 49;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:26


     Th26: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds ||.F.|| = 0 implies F = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider F1 = F as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;

      ( ||.F1.|| = 0 iff F1 = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X))) by CC0SP1: 25;

      hence thesis by Lm7, FUNCT_1: 49;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:27


     Th27: for a be Complex holds for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds ||.(a * F).|| = ( |.a.| * ||.F.||)


      let a be Complex;

      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let F be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider F1 = F as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;


      thus ||.(a * F).|| = ||.(a * F1).|| by Lm5, Lm3

      .= ( |.a.| * ||.F1.||) by CC0SP1: 25

      .= ( |.a.| * ||.F.||) by FUNCT_1: 49;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:28


     Th28: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for F,G be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds ||.(F + G).|| <= ( ||.F.|| + ||.G.||)


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let F,G be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider F1 = F, G1 = G as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;


       A1: ||.F.|| = ||.F1.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;


       A2: ||.G.|| = ||.G1.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;


       A3: ||.(F + G).|| = ||.(F1 + G1).|| by Lm4, Lm3;

      thus ||.(F + G).|| <= ( ||.F.|| + ||.G.||) by A1, A2, A3, CC0SP1: 25;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> discerning reflexive ComplexNormSpace-like;

      coherence by Th25, Th26, Th27, Th28;



     Lm9: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) holds for y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x1 = y1 & x2 = y2 holds (x1 - x2) = (y1 - y2)


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      let y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: x1 = y1 & x2 = y2;

      reconsider z2 = x2 as VECTOR of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

      reconsider e = ( - 1r ) as Complex;

      ( - x2) = (e * x2) by CLVECT_1: 3

      .= (e * y2) by A1, Lm5

      .= ( - y2) by CLVECT_1: 3;

      hence (x1 - x2) = (y1 - y2) by A1, Lm4;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:29

    for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds for F,G,H be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) st f = F & g = G & h = H holds (H = (F - G) iff for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) - (g . x)))


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let f,g,h be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      let F,G,H be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);


       A1: f = F & g = G & h = H;



        assume H = (F - G);

        then (H + G) = (F - (G - G)) by RLVECT_1: 29;

        then (H + G) = (F - ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X))) by RLVECT_1: 15;


         A3: (H + G) = F by RLVECT_1: 13;


          let x be Element of X;

          (f . x) = ((h . x) + (g . x)) by A1, A3, Th22;

          hence ((f . x) - (g . x)) = (h . x);


        hence for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) - (g . x));




         A4: for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) - (g . x));


          let x be Element of X;

          (h . x) = ((f . x) - (g . x)) by A4;

          hence ((h . x) + (g . x)) = (f . x);


        then F = (H + G) by A1, Th22;

        then (F - G) = (H + (G - G)) by RLVECT_1:def 3;

        then (F - G) = (H + ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X))) by RLVECT_1: 15;

        hence (F - G) = H by RLVECT_1: 4;


      hence H = (F - G) iff for x be Element of X holds (h . x) = ((f . x) - (g . x)) by A2;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:30


     Th30: for X be ComplexBanachSpace holds for Y be Subset of X holds for seq be sequence of X st Y is closed & ( rng seq) c= Y & seq is CCauchy holds seq is convergent & ( lim seq) in Y by CLOPBAN1:def 13, NCFCONT1:def 3;

    theorem :: CC0SP2:31


     Th31: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for Y be Subset of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st Y = ( CContinuousFunctions X) holds Y is closed


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let Y be Subset of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: Y = ( CContinuousFunctions X);


        let seq be sequence of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


         A2: ( rng seq) c= Y & seq is convergent;

        ( lim seq) in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


        consider f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

         A3: f = ( lim seq) & (f | the carrier of X) is bounded;


          let z be object;

          assume z in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);

          then ex f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX st f = z & (f | the carrier of X) is bounded;

          hence z in ( PFuncs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX )) by PARTFUN1: 45;


        then ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) c= ( PFuncs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));


        reconsider H = seq as Functional_Sequence of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by FUNCT_2: 7;


         A4: for p be Real st p > 0 holds ex k be Nat st for n be Nat holds for x be set st n >= k & x in the carrier of X holds |.(((H . n) . x) - (f . x)).| < p


          let p be Real;

          assume p > 0 ;


          consider k be Nat such that

           A5: for n be Nat st n >= k holds ||.((seq . n) - ( lim seq)).|| < p by A2, CLVECT_1:def 16;

          take k;


            let n be Nat;

            let x be set;


             A6: n >= k & x in the carrier of X;


             A7: ||.((seq . n) - ( lim seq)).|| < p by A5;

            ((seq . n) - ( lim seq)) in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


            consider g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

             A8: (g = ((seq . n) - ( lim seq)) & (g | the carrier of X) is bounded);

            (seq . n) in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


            consider s be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

             A9: (s = (seq . n) & (s | the carrier of X) is bounded);

            reconsider x0 = x as Element of the carrier of X by A6;


             A10: (g . x0) = ((s . x0) - (f . x0)) by A8, A9, A3, CC0SP1: 26;

             |.(g . x0).| <= ||.((seq . n) - ( lim seq)).|| by A8, CC0SP1: 19;

            hence |.(((H . n) . x) - (f . x)).| < p by A10, A9, A7, XXREAL_0: 2;



        f is continuous


          set n = the Element of NAT ;

          for x be Point of X holds for V be Subset of COMPLEX st (f . x) in V & V is open holds ex W be Subset of X st x in W & W is open & (f .: W) c= V


            let x be Point of X;

            let V be Subset of COMPLEX ;


             A11: (f . x) in V & V is open;

            reconsider z0 = (f . x) as Complex;

            consider N be Neighbourhood of z0 such that

             A12: N c= V by A11, CFDIFF_1: 9;

            consider r be Real such that

             A13: 0 < r & { p where p be Complex : |.(p - z0).| < r } c= N by CFDIFF_1:def 5;

            set S = { p where p be Complex : |.(p - z0).| < r };


             A14: (r / 3) > 0 & (r / 3) is Real by A13;

            consider k be Nat such that

             A15: for n be Nat, x be set st n >= k & x in the carrier of X holds |.(((H . n) . x) - (f . x)).| < (r / 3) by A4, A14;

            k in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;

            then k in ( dom seq) by NORMSP_1: 12;

            then (H . k) in ( rng seq) by FUNCT_1:def 3;

            then (H . k) in Y by A2;


            consider h be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

             A16: (H . k) = h by A1;

            set z1 = (h . x);

            set G1 = { p where p be Complex : |.(p - z1).| < (r / 3) };

            G1 c= COMPLEX


              let z be object;

              assume z in G1;

              then ex y be Complex st z = y & |.(y - z1).| < (r / 3);

              hence z in COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;



            reconsider T1 = G1 as Subset of COMPLEX ;


             A17: T1 is open by CFDIFF_1: 13;

             |.(z1 - z1).| = 0 ;

            then z1 in G1 by A13;


            consider W1 be Subset of X such that

             A18: x in W1 & W1 is open & (h .: W1) c= G1 by A17, Th3;


              let zz0 be object;

              assume zz0 in (f .: W1);


              consider xx0 be object such that

               A19: (xx0 in ( dom f) & xx0 in W1 & (f . xx0) = zz0) by FUNCT_1:def 6;

              (h . xx0) in (h .: W1) by A19, FUNCT_2: 35;

              then (h . xx0) in G1 by A18;


              consider hx0 be Complex such that

               A20: hx0 = (h . xx0) & |.(hx0 - z1).| < (r / 3);

               |.((h . xx0) - (f . xx0)).| < (r / 3) by A19, A15, A16;

              then |.( - ((h . xx0) - (f . xx0))).| < (r / 3) by COMPLEX1: 52;


               A21: |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| < (r / 3);


               A22: |.((h . x) - (f . x)).| < (r / 3) by A15, A16;

              ( |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| + |.((h . xx0) - (h . x)).|) < ((r / 3) + (r / 3)) by A20, A21, XREAL_1: 8;

              then (( |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| + |.((h . xx0) - (h . x)).|) + |.((h . x) - (f . x)).|) < (((r / 3) + (r / 3)) + (r / 3)) by A22, XREAL_1: 8;


               A23: (( |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| + |.((h . xx0) - (h . x)).|) + |.((h . x) - (f . x)).|) < r;

               |.((f . xx0) - (f . x)).| = |.((((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)) + ((h . xx0) - (h . x))) + ((h . x) - (f . x))).|;


               A24: |.((f . xx0) - (f . x)).| <= ( |.(((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)) + ((h . xx0) - (h . x))).| + |.((h . x) - (f . x)).|) by COMPLEX1: 56;

               |.(((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)) + ((h . xx0) - (h . x))).| <= ( |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| + |.((h . xx0) - (h . x)).|) by COMPLEX1: 56;

              then ( |.(((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)) + ((h . xx0) - (h . x))).| + |.((h . x) - (f . x)).|) <= (( |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| + |.((h . xx0) - (h . x)).|) + |.((h . x) - (f . x)).|) by XREAL_1: 6;

              then |.((f . xx0) - (f . x)).| <= (( |.((f . xx0) - (h . xx0)).| + |.((h . xx0) - (h . x)).|) + |.((h . x) - (f . x)).|) by A24, XXREAL_0: 2;

              then |.((f . xx0) - (f . x)).| < r by A23, XXREAL_0: 2;

              hence zz0 in S by A19;


            then (f .: W1) c= S;

            then (f .: W1) c= N by A13;

            hence ex W be Subset of X st x in W & W is open & (f .: W) c= V by A18, A12, XBOOLE_1: 1;


          hence f is continuous by Th3;


        hence ( lim seq) in Y by A3, A1;


      hence Y is closed by NCFCONT1:def 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:32


     Th32: for X be non empty compact TopSpace holds for seq be sequence of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) st seq is CCauchy holds seq is convergent


      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      let vseq be sequence of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);


       A1: vseq is CCauchy;


       A2: for x be object st x in ( CContinuousFunctions X) holds x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;

      then ( CContinuousFunctions X) c= ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);

      then ( rng vseq) c= ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


      reconsider vseq1 = vseq as sequence of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by FUNCT_2: 6;


        let e be Real;


         A3: e > 0 ;

        consider k be Nat such that

         A4: for n,m be Nat st n >= k & m >= k holds ||.((vseq . n) - (vseq . m)).|| < e by A1, A3, CSSPACE3: 8;

        take k;


          let n,m be Nat;

          assume n >= k & m >= k;

          then ||.((vseq . n) - (vseq . m)).|| < e by A4;

          hence ||.((vseq1 . n) - (vseq1 . m)).|| < e by Lm9, Lm3;


        hence for n,m be Nat st n >= k & m >= k holds ||.((vseq1 . n) - (vseq1 . m)).|| < e;



       A5: vseq1 is CCauchy by CSSPACE3: 8;


       A6: vseq1 is convergent by CC0SP1: 27;

      reconsider Y = ( CContinuousFunctions X) as Subset of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by A2, TARSKI:def 3;


       A7: ( rng vseq) c= ( CContinuousFunctions X);

      Y is closed by Th31;


      reconsider tv = ( lim vseq1) as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) by A7, A5, Th30;

      for e be Real st e > 0 holds ex k be Nat st for n be Nat st n >= k holds ||.((vseq . n) - tv).|| < e


        let e be Real;

        assume e > 0 ;


        consider k be Nat such that

         A8: for n be Nat st n >= k holds ||.((vseq1 . n) - ( lim vseq1)).|| < e by A6, CLVECT_1:def 16;

        take k;


          let n be Nat;

          assume n >= k;

          then ||.((vseq1 . n) - ( lim vseq1)).|| < e by A8;

          hence ||.((vseq . n) - tv).|| < e by Lm9, Lm3;


        hence for n be Nat st n >= k holds ||.((vseq . n) - tv).|| < e;


      hence vseq is convergent;



      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> complete;



        for seq be sequence of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) st seq is CCauchy holds seq is convergent by Th32;

        hence ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is complete by CLOPBAN1:def 13;




      let X be non empty compact TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) -> Banach_Algebra-like;



        set B = ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);



          let f,g be Element of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

          reconsider f1 = f, g1 = g as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;


           A2: ( ||.f.|| = ||.f1.|| & ||.g.|| = ||.g1.|| & ||.(f * g).|| = ||.(f1 * g1).||) by Lm6, Lm3;

          ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is Banach_Algebra-like_1 by CC0SP1: 28;

          hence ||.(f * g).|| <= ( ||.f.|| * ||.g.||) by A2, CLOPBAN2:def 9;



         A3: ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is Banach_Algebra-like_2 by CC0SP1: 28;


         A4: ||.( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X)).|| = ||.( 1. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X)).|| by Lm8, Lm3

        .= 1 by A3, CLOPBAN2:def 10;



          let a be Complex;

          let f,g be Element of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

          reconsider f1 = f, g1 = g as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;


           A6: (a * g1) = (a * g) by Lm5;


           A7: (f * g) = (f1 * g1) by Lm6;


           A8: ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is Banach_Algebra-like_3 by CC0SP1: 28;

          (a * (f * g)) = (a * (f1 * g1)) by A7, Lm5;

          then (a * (f * g)) = (f1 * (a * g1)) by A8, CLOPBAN2:def 11;

          hence (a * (f * g)) = (f * (a * g)) by A6, Lm6;



          let f,g,h be Element of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X);

          reconsider f1 = f, g1 = g, h1 = h as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Lm1;


           A9: (g + h) = (g1 + h1) by Lm4;


           A10: ((g * f) = (g1 * f1) & (h * f) = (h1 * f1)) by Lm6;


           A11: ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is left-distributive by CC0SP1: 28;


          thus ((g + h) * f) = ((g1 + h1) * f1) by Lm6, A9

          .= ((g1 * f1) + (h1 * f1)) by A11, VECTSP_1:def 3

          .= ((g * f) + (h * f)) by Lm4, A10;


        then ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is left-distributive left_unital complete Banach_Algebra-like_1 Banach_Algebra-like_2 Banach_Algebra-like_3 Normed_Complex_Algebra by A1, A4, A5, CLOPBAN2:def 9, CLOPBAN2:def 10, CLOPBAN2:def 11, VECTSP_1:def 3;

        hence ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_ContinuousFunctions X) is Banach_Algebra-like;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:33


     Th33: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds ( support (f + g)) c= (( support f) \/ ( support g))


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      set CX = the carrier of X;

      set h = (f + g);


       A1: ( rng h) c= COMPLEX by MEMBERED: 1;

      ( dom h) = (( dom f) /\ ( dom g)) by VALUED_1:def 1

      .= (the carrier of X /\ ( dom g)) by PARTFUN1:def 2

      .= (the carrier of X /\ the carrier of X) by PARTFUN1:def 2;


      reconsider h as Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX by A1, FUNCT_2: 2;

      ( dom f) = CX & ( dom g) = CX & ( dom h) = CX by FUNCT_2:def 1;


       A2: ( support f) c= CX & ( support g) c= CX & ( support h) c= CX by PRE_POLY: 37;


        let x be object;

        assume x in ((CX \ ( support f)) /\ (CX \ ( support g)));

        then x in (CX \ ( support f)) & x in (CX \ ( support g)) by XBOOLE_0:def 4;

        then x in CX & not x in ( support f) & x in CX & not x in ( support g) by XBOOLE_0:def 5;


         A3: x in CX & (f . x) = 0 & (g . x) = 0 by PRE_POLY:def 7;


        then ((f + g) . x) = ((f . x) + (g . x)) by VALUED_1: 1

        .= 0 by A3;


         A4: x in CX & ((f + g) . x) = 0 by A3;

         not x in ( support (f + g)) by A4, PRE_POLY:def 7;

        hence x in (CX \ ( support (f + g))) by A4, XBOOLE_0:def 5;


      then ((CX \ ( support f)) /\ (CX \ ( support g))) c= (CX \ ( support (f + g)));

      then (CX \ (( support f) \/ ( support g))) c= (CX \ ( support (f + g))) by XBOOLE_1: 53;

      then (CX \ (CX \ ( support (f + g)))) c= (CX \ (CX \ (( support f) \/ ( support g)))) by XBOOLE_1: 34;

      then (CX /\ ( support (f + g))) c= (CX \ (CX \ (( support f) \/ ( support g)))) by XBOOLE_1: 48;

      then (CX /\ ( support (f + g))) c= (CX /\ (( support f) \/ ( support g))) by XBOOLE_1: 48;

      then ( support (f + g)) c= (CX /\ (( support f) \/ ( support g))) by A2, XBOOLE_1: 28;

      then ( support (f + g)) c= ((CX /\ ( support f)) \/ (CX /\ ( support g))) by XBOOLE_1: 23;

      then ( support (f + g)) c= (( support f) \/ (CX /\ ( support g))) by A2, XBOOLE_1: 28;

      hence ( support (f + g)) c= (( support f) \/ ( support g)) by A2, XBOOLE_1: 28;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:34


     Th34: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for a be Complex, f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds ( support (a (#) f)) c= ( support f)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let a be Complex, f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      set CX = the carrier of X;

      reconsider h = (a (#) f) as Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      let x be object;

      assume x in ( support (a (#) f));

      then ((a (#) f) . x) <> 0 by PRE_POLY:def 7;

      then (a * (f . x)) <> 0 by VALUED_1: 6;

      then (f . x) <> 0 ;

      hence x in ( support f) by PRE_POLY:def 7;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:35

    for X be non empty TopSpace holds for f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX holds ( support (f (#) g)) c= (( support f) \/ ( support g))


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let f,g be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      set CX = the carrier of X;

      reconsider h = (f (#) g) as Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;

      ( dom f) = CX & ( dom g) = CX & ( dom h) = CX by FUNCT_2:def 1;


       A1: ( support f) c= CX & ( support g) c= CX & ( support h) c= CX by PRE_POLY: 37;


        let x be object;

        assume x in ((CX \ ( support f)) /\ (CX \ ( support g)));

        then x in (CX \ ( support f)) & x in (CX \ ( support g)) by XBOOLE_0:def 4;

        then x in CX & not x in ( support f) & x in CX & not x in ( support g) by XBOOLE_0:def 5;


         A2: x in CX & (f . x) = 0 & (g . x) = 0 by PRE_POLY:def 7;

        ((f (#) g) . x) = ( 0 * 0 ) by A2, VALUED_1: 5;


         A3: x in CX & ((f (#) g) . x) = 0 by A2;

         not x in ( support (f (#) g)) by A3, PRE_POLY:def 7;

        hence x in (CX \ ( support (f (#) g))) by A3, XBOOLE_0:def 5;


      then ((CX \ ( support f)) /\ (CX \ ( support g))) c= (CX \ ( support (f (#) g)));

      then (CX \ (( support f) \/ ( support g))) c= (CX \ ( support (f (#) g))) by XBOOLE_1: 53;

      then (CX \ (CX \ ( support (f (#) g)))) c= (CX \ (CX \ (( support f) \/ ( support g)))) by XBOOLE_1: 34;

      then (CX /\ ( support (f (#) g))) c= (CX \ (CX \ (( support f) \/ ( support g)))) by XBOOLE_1: 48;

      then (CX /\ ( support (f (#) g))) c= (CX /\ (( support f) \/ ( support g))) by XBOOLE_1: 48;

      then ( support (f (#) g)) c= (CX /\ (( support f) \/ ( support g))) by A1, XBOOLE_1: 28;

      then ( support (f (#) g)) c= ((CX /\ ( support f)) \/ (CX /\ ( support g))) by XBOOLE_1: 23;

      then ( support (f (#) g)) c= (( support f) \/ (CX /\ ( support g))) by A1, XBOOLE_1: 28;

      hence ( support (f (#) g)) c= (( support f) \/ ( support g)) by A1, XBOOLE_1: 28;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def7

      func CC_0_Functions (X) -> non empty Subset of ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X) equals { f where f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX : f is continuous & ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) };




         A1: { f where f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX : f is continuous & ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) } c= ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ))


          let x be object;

          assume x in { f where f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX : f is continuous & ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) };

          then ex f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX st x = f & f is continuous & ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y));

          hence x in ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX )) by FUNCT_2: 8;


        { f where f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX : f is continuous & ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) } is non empty


          set g = (the carrier of X --> 0c );

          reconsider g as Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX ;


           A2: g is continuous


            for P be Subset of COMPLEX st P is closed holds (g " P) is closed


              let P be Subset of COMPLEX such that P is closed;

              set F = (the carrier of X --> 0 ), H = the carrier of X;

              set HX = ( [#] X);

              per cases ;

                suppose 0 in P;

                then (g " P) = HX by FUNCOP_1: 14;

                hence (g " P) is closed;


                suppose not 0 in P;

                then (F " P) = ( {} X) by FUNCOP_1: 16;

                hence (g " P) is closed;



            hence thesis;



           A3: ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support g) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y))


            set S = the compact non empty Subset of X;

            for A be Subset of X st A = ( support g) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of S


              let A be Subset of X;


               A4: A = ( support g);


               A5: A = {}



                 A6: not thesis;

                set p = the Element of ( support g);


                 A7: p in A by A6, A4;

                then (g . p) <> 0 by A4, PRE_POLY:def 7;

                hence contradiction by A7, FUNCOP_1: 7;


              ( Cl ( {} X)) = {} by PRE_TOPC: 22;

              hence thesis by A5, XBOOLE_1: 2;


            hence thesis;


          g in { f where f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX : f is continuous & ex Y be non empty Subset of X st (Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) } by A2, A3;

          hence thesis;


        hence thesis by A1;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:36

    for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( CC_0_Functions X) is non empty Subset of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);


     Lm10: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for v,u be Element of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) st v in ( CC_0_Functions X) & u in ( CC_0_Functions X) holds (v + u) in ( CC_0_Functions X)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      set W = ( CC_0_Functions X);

      set V = ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

      let u,v be Element of V such that

       A1: u in W & v in W;

      consider u1 be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A2: u1 = u & u1 is continuous & (ex Y1 be non empty Subset of X st Y1 is compact & (for A1 be Subset of X st A1 = ( support u1) holds ( Cl A1) is Subset of Y1)) by A1;

      consider Y1 be non empty Subset of X such that

       A3: (Y1 is compact & (for A1 be Subset of X st A1 = ( support u1) holds ( Cl A1) is Subset of Y1)) by A2;

      consider v1 be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A4: v1 = v & v1 is continuous & (ex Y2 be non empty Subset of X st Y2 is compact & (for A2 be Subset of X st A2 = ( support v1) holds ( Cl A2) is Subset of Y2)) by A1;

      consider Y2 be non empty Subset of X such that

       A5: (Y2 is compact & (for A2 be Subset of X st A2 = ( support v1) holds ( Cl A2) is Subset of Y2)) by A4;


       A6: u in ( CContinuousFunctions X) by A2;


       A7: v in ( CContinuousFunctions X) by A4;

      ( CContinuousFunctions X) is add-closed by CC0SP1:def 2;

      then (v + u) in ( CContinuousFunctions X) by A6, A7, IDEAL_1:def 1;


      consider fvu be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A8: (v + u) = fvu;


       A9: (Y1 \/ Y2) is compact by A3, A5, COMPTS_1: 10;

      ( dom u1) = the carrier of X & ( dom v1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;


       A10: ( support u1) c= the carrier of X & ( support v1) c= the carrier of X by PRE_POLY: 37;


      reconsider A1 = ( support u1), A2 = ( support v1) as Subset of X;


       A11: (( dom v1) /\ ( dom u1)) = (the carrier of X /\ ( dom u1)) by FUNCT_2:def 1

      .= (the carrier of X /\ the carrier of X) by FUNCT_2:def 1

      .= the carrier of X;

      ( dom (v1 + u1)) = (( dom v1) /\ ( dom u1)) by VALUED_1:def 1;


       A12: ( support (v1 + u1)) c= the carrier of X by A11, PRE_POLY: 37;

      reconsider A1 = ( support u1), A2 = ( support v1) as Subset of X by A10;

      reconsider A3 = ( support (v1 + u1)) as Subset of X by A12;


       A13: ( Cl A3) c= ( Cl (A2 \/ A1)) by Th33, PRE_TOPC: 19;


       A14: ( Cl A3) c= (( Cl A2) \/ ( Cl A1)) by A13, PRE_TOPC: 20;

      ( Cl A1) is Subset of Y1 by A3;


       A15: ( Cl A1) c= Y1;

      ( Cl A2) is Subset of Y2 by A5;

      then (( Cl A2) \/ ( Cl A1)) c= (Y2 \/ Y1) by A15, XBOOLE_1: 13;


       A16: for A3 be Subset of X st A3 = ( support (v1 + u1)) holds ( Cl A3) is Subset of (Y2 \/ Y1) by A14, XBOOLE_1: 1;

      reconsider vv1 = v as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));

      reconsider uu1 = u as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));

      reconsider fvu1 = (v + u) as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));


       A17: for x be Element of the carrier of X holds (fvu1 . x) = ((vv1 . x) + (uu1 . x)) by CFUNCDOM: 1;


       A18: ( dom fvu1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;

      for c be object st c in ( dom fvu1) holds (fvu1 . c) = ((v1 . c) + (u1 . c)) by A17, A2, A4;

      then fvu1 = (v1 + u1) by A18, A11, VALUED_1:def 1;

      hence thesis by A8, A9, A16;



     Lm11: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for a be Complex, u be Element of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) st u in ( CC_0_Functions X) holds (a * u) in ( CC_0_Functions X)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      set W = ( CC_0_Functions X);

      set V = ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

      let a be Complex;

      let u be Element of V;


       A1: u in W;

      consider u1 be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A2: u1 = u & u1 is continuous & (ex Y1 be non empty Subset of X st Y1 is compact & (for A1 be Subset of X st A1 = ( support u1) holds ( Cl A1) is Subset of Y1)) by A1;

      consider Y1 be non empty Subset of X such that

       A3: (Y1 is compact & (for A1 be Subset of X st A1 = ( support u1) holds ( Cl A1) is Subset of Y1)) by A2;


       A4: u in ( CContinuousFunctions X) by A2;

      (a * u) in ( CContinuousFunctions X) by A4, CC0SP1:def 2;


      consider fau be continuous Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A5: (a * u) = fau;

      ( dom u1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;


       A6: ( support u1) c= the carrier of X by PRE_POLY: 37;


      reconsider A1 = ( support u1) as Subset of X;


       A7: ( dom u1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;

      ( dom (a (#) u1)) = ( dom u1) by VALUED_1:def 5;


       A8: ( support (a (#) u1)) c= the carrier of X by A7, PRE_POLY: 37;

      reconsider A1 = ( support u1) as Subset of X by A6;

      reconsider A3 = ( support (a (#) u1)) as Subset of X by A8;

      ( Cl A1) is Subset of Y1 by A3;


       A9: ( Cl A1) c= Y1;

      ( Cl A3) c= ( Cl A1) by Th34, PRE_TOPC: 19;


       A10: for A3 be Subset of X st A3 = ( support (a (#) u1)) holds ( Cl A3) is Subset of Y1 by A9, XBOOLE_1: 1;

      reconsider uu1 = u as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));

      reconsider fau1 = (a * u) as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));


       A11: for x be Element of the carrier of X holds (fau1 . x) = (a * (uu1 . x)) by CFUNCDOM: 4;


       A12: ( dom fau1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;


       A13: ( dom u1) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;

      for c be object st c in ( dom fau1) holds (fau1 . c) = (a * (u1 . c)) by A2, A11;

      then fau1 = (a (#) u1) by A12, A13, VALUED_1:def 5;

      hence thesis by A5, A3, A10;



     Lm12: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for u be Element of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) st u in ( CC_0_Functions X) holds ( - u) in ( CC_0_Functions X)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      set W = ( CC_0_Functions X);

      set V = ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

      let u be Element of V;


       A1: u in W;

      set a = ( - 1r );

      ( - u) = (a * u) by CLVECT_1: 3;

      hence thesis by A1, Lm11;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:37

    for X be non empty TopSpace holds for W be non empty Subset of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) st W = ( CC_0_Functions X) holds W is Cadditively-linearly-closed


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let W be non empty Subset of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);


       A1: W = ( CC_0_Functions X);

      set V = ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

      for v,u be Element of V st v in W & u in W holds (v + u) in W by A1, Lm10;


       A2: W is add-closed by IDEAL_1:def 1;

      for v be Element of V st v in W holds ( - v) in W by A1, Lm12;


       A3: W is having-inverse by C0SP1:def 1;

      for a be Complex, u be Element of V st u in W holds (a * u) in W by A1, Lm11;

      hence W is Cadditively-linearly-closed by A2, A3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:38


     Th38: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( CC_0_Functions X) is add-closed


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      set Y = ( CC_0_Functions X);

      set V = ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X);

      for v,u be VECTOR of V st v in Y & u in Y holds (v + u) in Y


        let v,u be VECTOR of V;


         A1: v in Y & u in Y;

        reconsider v2 = v, u2 = u as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

        (v2 + u2) in Y by A1, Lm10;

        hence thesis;


      hence thesis by IDEAL_1:def 1;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:39


     Th39: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( CC_0_Functions X) is linearly-closed


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      set Y = ( CC_0_Functions X);

      set V = ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X);


       A1: for v,u be VECTOR of V st v in Y & u in Y holds (v + u) in Y


        let v,u be VECTOR of V;


         A2: v in Y & u in Y;

        reconsider v1 = v, u1 = u as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));

        reconsider v2 = v, u2 = u as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

        (v2 + u2) in Y by A2, Lm10;

        hence thesis;



       A3: for a be Complex, v be Element of V st v in Y holds (a * v) in Y


        let a be Complex, v be VECTOR of V;


         A4: v in Y;

        reconsider v1 = v as Element of ( Funcs (the carrier of X, COMPLEX ));

        reconsider v2 = v as VECTOR of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X);

        (a * v2) in Y by A4, Lm11;

        hence thesis;


      thus thesis by A1, A3;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( CC_0_Functions X) -> non empty linearly-closed;

      correctness by Th39;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:40


     Th40: for V be ComplexLinearSpace holds for V1 be Subset of V st V1 is linearly-closed & not V1 is empty holds CLSStruct (# V1, ( Zero_ (V1,V)), ( Add_ (V1,V)), ( Mult_ (V1,V)) #) is Subspace of V


      let V be ComplexLinearSpace;

      let V1 be Subset of V;

      assume that

       A1: V1 is linearly-closed and

       A2: not V1 is empty;

      for v,u be VECTOR of V st v in V1 & u in V1 holds (v + u) in V1 by A1;

      then V1 is add-closed by IDEAL_1:def 1;


       A3: ( Add_ (V1,V)) = (the addF of V || V1) by A2, C0SP1:def 5;


       A4: ( Mult_ (V1,V)) = (the Mult of V | [: COMPLEX , V1:]) by A1, CSSPACE:def 9;

      ( Zero_ (V1,V)) = ( 0. V) by A1, A2, CSSPACE:def 10;

      hence CLSStruct (# V1, ( Zero_ (V1,V)), ( Add_ (V1,V)), ( Mult_ (V1,V)) #) is Subspace of V by A2, A3, A4, CLVECT_1: 43;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:41


     Th41: for X be non empty TopSpace holds CLSStruct (# ( CC_0_Functions X), ( Zero_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( Add_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( Mult_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))) #) is Subspace of ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X) by Th40;


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def8

      func C_VectorSpace_of_C_0_Functions X -> ComplexLinearSpace equals CLSStruct (# ( CC_0_Functions X), ( Zero_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( Add_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( Mult_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))) #);

      correctness by Th41;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:42


     Th42: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for x be set st x in ( CC_0_Functions X) holds x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let x be set such that

       A1: x in ( CC_0_Functions X);

      consider f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A2: f = x & f is continuous & (ex Y be non empty Subset of X st Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) by A1;

      consider Y be non empty Subset of X such that

       A3: Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y) by A2;

      ( dom f) = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;


      reconsider A = ( support f) as Subset of X by PRE_POLY: 37;

       |.f.| is Function of the carrier of X, REAL & |.f.| is continuous by Th8, A2;


      consider f1 be Function of the carrier of X, REAL such that

       A4: f1 = |.f.| & f1 is continuous;

      (f1 .: Y) is compact by A4, A3, JORDAN_A: 1;


      reconsider Y1 = (f1 .: Y) as non empty real-bounded Subset of REAL by RCOMP_1: 10;


       A5: Y1 c= [.( inf Y1), ( sup Y1).] by XXREAL_2: 69;

      reconsider r1 = ( inf Y1) as Real;

      reconsider r2 = ( sup Y1) as Real;

      consider r be Real such that

       A6: r = (( |.r1.| + |.r2.|) + 1);

      for p be Element of Y holds r > 0 & ( - r) < (f1 . p) & (f1 . p) < r


        let p be Element of Y;

        (f1 . p) in Y1 by FUNCT_2: 35;

        then (f1 . p) in [.r1, r2.] by A5;

        then (f1 . p) in { t where t be Real : r1 <= t & t <= r2 } by RCOMP_1:def 1;


        consider r3 be Real such that

         A7: r3 = (f1 . p) & r1 <= r3 & r3 <= r2;

        ( - |.r1.|) <= r1 by ABSVALUE: 4;

        then (( - |.r1.|) - |.r2.|) <= (r1 - 0 ) by XREAL_1: 13;

        then ((( - |.r1.|) - |.r2.|) - 1) < (r1 - 0 ) by XREAL_1: 15;


         A8: ( - r) < r1 by A6;

        r2 <= |.r2.| by ABSVALUE: 4;

        then (r2 + 0 ) <= ( |.r2.| + |.r1.|) by XREAL_1: 7;


         A9: r2 < r by A6, XREAL_1: 8;

        ( - r) < (f1 . p) by A7, A8, XXREAL_0: 2;

        hence thesis by A7, A9, XXREAL_0: 2;



      consider r be Real such that

       A10: for p be Element of Y holds r > 0 & ( - r) < (f1 . p) & (f1 . p) < r;

      for x be Point of X holds ( - r) < (f1 . x) & (f1 . x) < r


        let x be Point of X;


         A11: x in (the carrier of X \ Y) or x in Y by XBOOLE_0:def 5;

        per cases by A11;

          suppose x in (the carrier of X \ Y);


           A12: x in the carrier of X & not x in Y by XBOOLE_0:def 5;

          ( Cl A) is Subset of Y by A3;


           A13: ( Cl A) c= Y;

          ( support f) c= ( Cl A) by PRE_TOPC: 18;

          then ( support f) c= Y by A13;


           A14: not x in ( support f) by A12;

          (f . x) = 0 by A14, PRE_POLY:def 7;

          then |.(f . x).| = 0 ;

          then (f1 . x) = 0 by A4, VALUED_1: 18;

          hence ( - r) < (f1 . x) & (f1 . x) < r by A10;


          suppose x in Y;

          hence thesis by A10;




      consider s1 be Real such that

       A15: for x be Point of X holds (( - s1) < (f1 . x) & (f1 . x) < s1);

      for y be object st y in (the carrier of X /\ ( dom f1)) holds (f1 . y) <= s1 by A15;


       A16: (f1 | the carrier of X) is bounded_above by RFUNCT_1: 70;

      for y be object st y in (the carrier of X /\ ( dom f1)) holds ( - s1) <= (f1 . y) by A15;


       A17: (f1 | the carrier of X) is bounded_below by RFUNCT_1: 71;

      (the carrier of X /\ the carrier of X) = the carrier of X;

      then (f1 | the carrier of X) is bounded by A16, A17, RFUNCT_1: 75;

      then |.(f | the carrier of X).| is bounded by A4, RFUNCT_1: 46;

      then (f | the carrier of X) is bounded by CFUNCT_1: 85;

      hence x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by A2;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def9

      func CC_0_FunctionsNorm X -> Function of ( CC_0_Functions X), REAL equals (( ComplexBoundedFunctionsNorm the carrier of X) | ( CC_0_Functions X));



        for x be object st x in ( CC_0_Functions X) holds x in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Th42;

        then ( CC_0_Functions X) c= ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X);

        hence thesis by FUNCT_2: 32;




      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      :: CC0SP2:def10

      func C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X -> CNORMSTR equals CNORMSTR (# ( CC_0_Functions X), ( Zero_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( Add_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( Mult_ (( CC_0_Functions X),( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X))), ( CC_0_FunctionsNorm X) #);

      correctness ;



      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X) -> strict non empty;

      correctness ;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:43

    for X be non empty TopSpace holds for x be set st x in ( CC_0_Functions X) holds x in ( CContinuousFunctions X)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let x be set such that

       A1: x in ( CC_0_Functions X);

      consider f be Function of the carrier of X, COMPLEX such that

       A2: f = x & f is continuous & (ex Y be non empty Subset of X st Y is compact & (for A be Subset of X st A = ( support f) holds ( Cl A) is Subset of Y)) by A1;

      thus thesis by A2;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:44


     Th44: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( 0. ( C_VectorSpace_of_C_0_Functions X)) = (X --> 0 )


      let X be non empty TopSpace;


       A1: ( C_VectorSpace_of_C_0_Functions X) is Subspace of ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X) by Th41;

      ( 0. ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X)) = (X --> 0 );

      hence thesis by A1, CLVECT_1: 30;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:45


     Th45: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X)) = (X --> 0 )


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      ( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X)) = ( 0. ( C_VectorSpace_of_C_0_Functions X))

      .= (X --> 0 ) by Th44;

      hence thesis;



     Lm13: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X), y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x1 = y1 & x2 = y2 holds (x1 + x2) = (y1 + y2)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let x1,x2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X), y1,y2 be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: ( CC_0_Functions X) is add-closed by Th38;


       A2: ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) is add-closed by CC0SP1:def 2;


       A3: x1 = y1 & x2 = y2;


      thus (x1 + x2) = ((the addF of ( ComplexVectSpace the carrier of X) || ( CC_0_Functions X)) . [x1, x2]) by A1, C0SP1:def 5

      .= (the addF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . [x1, x2]) by FUNCT_1: 49

      .= ((the addF of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) || ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) . [y1, y2]) by A3, FUNCT_1: 49

      .= (y1 + y2) by A2, C0SP1:def 5;



     Lm14: for X be non empty TopSpace holds for a be Complex, x be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X), y be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) st x = y holds (a * x) = (a * y)


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let a be Complex, x be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X), y be Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);


       A1: x = y;

      reconsider a1 = a as Element of COMPLEX by XCMPLX_0:def 2;


      thus (a * x) = ((the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) | [: COMPLEX , ( CC_0_Functions X):]) . [a1, x]) by CSSPACE:def 9

      .= (the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) . [a1, x]) by FUNCT_1: 49

      .= ((the Mult of ( CAlgebra the carrier of X) | [: COMPLEX , ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X):]) . [a1, y]) by A1, FUNCT_1: 49

      .= (a * y) by CC0SP1:def 3;


    theorem :: CC0SP2:46


     Th46: for a be Complex holds for X be non empty TopSpace holds for F,G be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X) holds ( ||.F.|| = 0 iff F = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X))) & ||.(a * F).|| = ( |.a.| * ||.F.||) & ||.(F + G).|| <= ( ||.F.|| + ||.G.||)


      let a be Complex;

      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      let F,G be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X);


       A1: ||.F.|| = 0 iff F = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X))


        reconsider FB = F as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Th42;


         A2: ||.FB.|| = ||.F.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;


         A3: ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) = (X --> 0 ) by CC0SP1: 18;


         A4: ( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X)) = (X --> 0 ) by Th45;

         ||.FB.|| = 0 iff FB = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X)) by CC0SP1: 25;

        hence thesis by A2, A3, A4;



       A5: ||.(a * F).|| = ( |.a.| * ||.F.||)


        reconsider FB = F as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Th42;


         A6: ||.FB.|| = ||.F.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;


         A7: (a * FB) = (a * F) by Lm14;

        reconsider aFB = (a * FB) as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);

        reconsider aF = (a * F) as Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X);


         A8: ||.aFB.|| = ||.aF.|| by A7, FUNCT_1: 49;

         ||.(a * FB).|| = ( |.a.| * ||.FB.||) by CC0SP1: 25;

        hence thesis by A6, A8;


       ||.(F + G).|| <= ( ||.F.|| + ||.G.||)



         A9: F in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) & G in ( ComplexBoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by Th42;

        reconsider FB = F, GB = G as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X) by A9;


         A10: ||.FB.|| = ||.F.|| & ||.GB.|| = ||.G.|| by FUNCT_1: 49;

        (FB + GB) = (F + G) by Lm13;


         A11: ||.(FB + GB).|| = ||.(F + G).|| by FUNCT_1: 49;

        reconsider aFB = (FB + GB) as Point of ( C_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions the carrier of X);

        reconsider aF = F, aG = G as Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X);

         ||.(FB + GB).|| <= ( ||.FB.|| + ||.GB.||) by CC0SP1: 25;

        hence thesis by A11, A10;


      hence thesis by A1, A5;



     Lm15: for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X) is ComplexNormSpace-like by Th46;


      let X be non empty TopSpace;

      cluster ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X) -> reflexive discerning ComplexNormSpace-like vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable;




         A1: ( C_VectorSpace_of_C_0_Functions X) is ComplexLinearSpace;


         A2: for x be Point of ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X) holds ( ||.x.|| = 0 implies x = ( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X))) by Th46;

         ||.( 0. ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X)).|| = 0 by Th46;

        hence thesis by A1, A2, Lm15, CSSPACE3: 2;



    theorem :: CC0SP2:47

    for X be non empty TopSpace holds ( C_Normed_Space_of_C_0_Functions X) is ComplexNormSpace;