Adam Naumowicz

Education and interests


Ph.D. degree in informatics: Shinshu University (2005)
Thesis: MIZAR Codification of the Theory of Partial Linear Spaces as an Example of Formalizing Recent Mathematical Results

M.Sc. degree in mathematics: University of Bialystok (2000)
Thesis: Segre's Products of Partial Line Spaces

B.A. (in Polish: licencjat) degree in English philology: University of Bialystok (2004)
Thesis: Humour as a Cultural Component in Teaching English

Main fields of interest
Editorial work
Formalized Mathematics
Journal of Formalized Reasoning
Central European Journal of Computer Science
(currently: Open Computer Science)
Managing Editor (2010-2014)
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
Guest Editor for a special issue on
Computer Reconstruction of the Body of Mathematics
Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
PC Member
CICM 2015, July 13-17, 2015 Washington DC, USA

Other skills and abilities Conferences, schools and research visits Membership of professional societies Participation in grants

List of selected publications

Information for students

Personal information

Date and place of birth: December 9, 1976, Bialystok, Poland
Marital status: Married, one son (b. August 18, 2006) and one daughter (b. June 13, 2008)
Nationality: Polish
Affiliation and office address:
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Bialystok
ul. Ciolkowskiego 1M
15-245 Bialystok, Poland


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