

    theorem :: FINANCE2:1


     Ko1: 1 in REAL & ( - 1) in REAL


      reconsider a = 1 as Element of REAL by NUMBERS: 19;

      consider myp1 be Element of REAL such that

       A2: myp1 = ( - a);

      thus thesis by A2;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:2


     Th5: number_e in ( REAL \ RAT )


       number_e in REAL & not number_e in RAT by XREAL_0:def 1;

      hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 5;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:3


     Th6: number_e in ( REAL \ INT )


       number_e in REAL & not number_e in RAT by XREAL_0:def 1;

      then number_e in ( REAL \ RAT ) by XBOOLE_0:def 5;

      hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14, XBOOLE_1: 34, TARSKI:def 3;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:4


     Th7: number_e in ( REAL \ NAT )


       number_e in REAL & not number_e in RAT by XREAL_0:def 1;

      then number_e in ( REAL \ RAT ) by XBOOLE_0:def 5;

      hence thesis by NUMBERS: 18, XBOOLE_1: 34, TARSKI:def 3;



      cluster ( REAL \ RAT ) -> non empty;

      coherence by Th5;

      cluster ( REAL \ INT ) -> non empty;

      coherence by Th6;

      cluster ( REAL \ NAT ) -> non empty;

      coherence by Th7;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:5


     Th1: for k be Real holds {k} in Borel_Sets


      let k be Real;

       [.k, k.] is Element of Borel_Sets by FINANCE1: 8;

      then [.k, k.] in Borel_Sets ;

      hence thesis by XXREAL_1: 17;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:6

    for k1,k2 be Real holds ].k1, k2.] is Event of Borel_Sets


      let k1,k2 be Real;


       A1: [.k1, k2.] is Element of Borel_Sets by FINANCE1: 8;


       A2: {k1} is Event of Borel_Sets by Th1;

      reconsider k1, k2 as ExtReal;

      per cases ;


         B1: k1 <= k2;

        ( [.k1, k2.] \ {k1}) is Element of Borel_Sets by A1, A2, PROB_1: 24;

        hence thesis by B1, XXREAL_1: 134;


        suppose k1 > k2;

        then ].k1, k2.] = {} by XXREAL_1: 26;

        hence thesis by PROB_1: 4;




      :: FINANCE2:def1

      func Family_of_halflines2 -> Subset-Family of REAL equals the set of all ( right_closed_halfline r) where r be Element of REAL ;



         the set of all ( right_closed_halfline r) where r be Element of REAL c= ( bool REAL )


          let p be object;

          assume p in the set of all ( right_closed_halfline r) where r be Element of REAL ;

          then ex r be Element of REAL st p = ( right_closed_halfline r);

          hence p in ( bool REAL );


        hence thesis;



    theorem :: FINANCE2:7

    for Exy be ExtReal holds {Exy} is Subset of ExtREAL by XXREAL_0:def 1, ZFMISC_1: 31;

    theorem :: FINANCE2:8

    for Y be set, k be Nat st Y = ( REAL \ {k}) holds Y is Event of Borel_Sets


      let Y be set, k be Nat;


       A1: Y = ( REAL \ {k});

      reconsider Exx = k as Element of REAL by ORDINAL1:def 12, NUMBERS: 19;

      reconsider Z = {Exx} as Subset of REAL ;

      (Z ` ) is Element of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 15, Th1;

      hence thesis by A1;


    reserve Exx for Real;

    theorem :: FINANCE2:9

    ex A be SetSequence of NAT st for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {n}


      deffunc U( Nat) = {( In ($1, NAT ))};


       AA: for x be Element of NAT holds U(x) in ( bool NAT )


        let x be Element of NAT ;

         U(x) c= NAT by ZFMISC_1: 31;

        hence thesis;


      consider f be SetSequence of NAT such that

       A1: for d be Element of NAT holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 8( AA);

      take f;

      let n be Nat;

      reconsider n as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;

      (f . n) = U(n) by A1;

      hence thesis;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:10

    for A be SetSequence of NAT st (for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {n}) holds for n be Nat holds (( Partial_Union A) . n) in Borel_Sets


      let A be SetSequence of NAT ;


       A0: for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {n};

      defpred J[ Nat] means (( Partial_Union A) . $1) in Borel_Sets ;


       S0: (( Partial_Union A) . 0 ) = (A . 0 ) by PROB_3:def 2;

      (( Partial_Union A) . 0 ) in Borel_Sets


        (A . 0 ) = { 0 } by A0;

        hence thesis by Th1, S0;



       J0: J[ 0 ];


       J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


        let n be Nat;


         Q0: J[n];

        (( Partial_Union A) . (n + 1)) in Borel_Sets



           Q00: (( Partial_Union A) . (n + 1)) = ((( Partial_Union A) . n) \/ (A . (n + 1))) by PROB_3:def 2;

           {(n + 1)} in Borel_Sets by Th1;

          then (A . (n + 1)) in Borel_Sets by A0;

          hence thesis by Q0, PROB_1: 3, Q00;


        hence thesis;


      for n be Nat holds (( Partial_Union A) . n) in Borel_Sets


        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

        hence thesis;


      hence thesis;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:11

     REAL is Event of Borel_Sets


      reconsider A = {1} as Subset of REAL ;


       W1: A in Borel_Sets by Th1;

      (A ` ) in Borel_Sets by Th1, PROB_1: 15;

      then (A \/ (A ` )) in Borel_Sets by W1, PROB_1: 3;

      then ( [#] REAL ) in Borel_Sets by SUBSET_1: 10;

      hence thesis;



     Q00: ex A1 be SetSequence of REAL st for n be Nat holds (A1 . n) = {n}


      reconsider z = 1 as Element of REAL by NUMBERS: 19;

      deffunc U( Nat) = {(z * $1)};

      consider f be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A1: for d be Element of NAT holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 4;

      take f;

      let n be Nat;

      n in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;


      then (f . n) = U(n) by A1

      .= {n};

      hence thesis;



     Q0: ex A be SetSequence of Borel_Sets st for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {n}


      consider A1 be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A1: for n be Nat holds (A1 . n) = {n} by Q00;


       A2: for n be Nat holds (A1 . n) is Event of Borel_Sets


        let n be Nat;

        reconsider n as Element of REAL by NUMBERS: 19, ORDINAL1:def 12;

         {n} in Borel_Sets by Th1;

        hence thesis by A1;


      reconsider A1 as SetSequence of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 25, A2;

      take A1;

      thus thesis by A1;



     H2: ex A be SetSequence of REAL st for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {( - n)}


      reconsider y = 1 as Element of REAL by NUMBERS: 19;

      consider z be Element of REAL such that

       A0: z = ( - y);

      deffunc U( Nat) = {(z * $1)};

      consider f be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A1: for d be Element of NAT holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 4;

      take f;

      let n be Nat;

      n in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;

      then (f . n) = U(n) by A1;

      hence thesis by A0;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:12


     ZV5: NAT is Event of Borel_Sets


      consider A be SetSequence of Borel_Sets such that

       Q10: for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {n} by Q0;

      reconsider A as SetSequence of REAL ;

      ( Union A) = NAT


        for x be object holds x in ( Union A) iff x in NAT


          let x be object;


           H0: for n be Element of NAT holds for x be object holds x in {n} iff x = n by TARSKI:def 1;


           H1: (ex n be Nat st x in (A . n)) implies ex n be Element of NAT st x in (A . n)


            given n be Nat such that

             C0: x in (A . n);

            (n + 0 ) in NAT ;


            consider n be Element of NAT such that

             C1: x in (A . n) by C0;

            thus thesis by C1;


          thus x in ( Union A) implies x in NAT



             C0: x in ( Union A);

            ex n be Element of NAT st x in (A . n) & (A . n) = {n}


              consider n be Element of NAT such that

               D0: x in (A . n) by C0, PROB_1: 12, H1;

              (A . n) = {n} by Q10;

              hence thesis by D0;


            then ex n be Element of NAT st x = n by H0;

            hence thesis;



           C000: x in NAT ;

          ex k be Nat st x in {k} & (A . k) = {k}


            reconsider k = x as Nat by C000;


             A: x in {k} by TARSKI:def 1;

            (A . k) = {k} by Q10;

            hence thesis by A;


          hence thesis by PROB_1: 12;


        hence thesis;


      hence thesis by PROB_1: 17;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:13

    ( REAL \ NAT ) is Event of Borel_Sets


      consider Y be Subset of REAL such that

       A2: Y = NAT by NUMBERS: 19;

      (Y ` ) is Event of Borel_Sets by ZV5, A2, PROB_1: 20;

      hence thesis by A2;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:14


     ThA: for AA be SetSequence of REAL holds ex A be SetSequence of REAL st for n be Nat holds (A . n) = (( Partial_Union AA) . n)


      let AA be SetSequence of REAL ;

      deffunc U( Nat) = (( Partial_Union AA) . $1);

      consider f be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A1: for d be Element of NAT holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 4;

      take f;

      let n be Nat;

      n in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;

      hence thesis by A1;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:15


     Th40: INT is Event of Borel_Sets


      consider A1 be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A1: for n be Nat holds (A1 . n) = {n} by Q00;

      consider A2 be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A2: for n be Nat holds (A2 . n) = {( - n)} by H2;


       A3: for n be Nat holds (( Partial_Union A1) . n) is Event of Borel_Sets


        defpred J[ Nat] means (( Partial_Union A1) . $1) in Borel_Sets ;


         B0: (( Partial_Union A1) . 0 ) = (A1 . 0 ) by PROB_3:def 2;

        (A1 . 0 ) = { 0 } by A1;


         J0: J[ 0 ] by Th1, B0;


         J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


          let n be Nat;


           Q0: J[n];

          (( Partial_Union A1) . (n + 1)) in Borel_Sets



             C0: (( Partial_Union A1) . (n + 1)) = ((( Partial_Union A1) . n) \/ (A1 . (n + 1))) by PROB_3:def 2;


             C2: (A1 . (n + 1)) in Borel_Sets


              (A1 . (n + 1)) = {(n + 1)} by A1;

              hence thesis by Th1;


            ((( Partial_Union A1) . n) \/ (A1 . (n + 1))) is Event of Borel_Sets by Q0, C2, PROB_1: 21;

            hence thesis by C0;


          hence thesis;


        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

        hence thesis;


      defpred J[ Nat] means (( Partial_Union A2) . $1) in Borel_Sets ;


       B0: (( Partial_Union A2) . 0 ) = (A2 . 0 ) by PROB_3:def 2;

      (A2 . 0 ) = {( - 0 )} by A2;


       J0: J[ 0 ] by Th1, B0;


       A4: for n be Nat holds (( Partial_Union A2) . n) is Event of Borel_Sets



         J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


          let n be Nat;


           Q0: J[n];

          (( Partial_Union A2) . (n + 1)) in Borel_Sets



             C0: (( Partial_Union A2) . (n + 1)) = ((( Partial_Union A2) . n) \/ (A2 . (n + 1))) by PROB_3:def 2;

            (A2 . (n + 1)) = {( - (n + 1))} by A2;

            then (A2 . (n + 1)) in Borel_Sets by Th1;

            then ((( Partial_Union A2) . n) \/ (A2 . (n + 1))) is Event of Borel_Sets by Q0, PROB_1: 21;

            hence thesis by C0;


          hence thesis;


        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

        hence thesis;


      consider B1 be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A5: for n be Nat holds (B1 . n) = (( Partial_Union A1) . n) by ThA;


       A6: for n be Nat holds (B1 . n) is Event of Borel_Sets


        let n be Nat;

        (( Partial_Union A1) . n) is Event of Borel_Sets by A3;

        hence thesis by A5;


      consider B2 be SetSequence of REAL such that

       A7: for n be Nat holds (B2 . n) = (( Partial_Union A2) . n) by ThA;


       A8: for n be Nat holds (B2 . n) is Event of Borel_Sets


        let n be Nat;

        (( Partial_Union A2) . n) is Event of Borel_Sets by A4;

        hence thesis by A7;


      reconsider B1 as SetSequence of Borel_Sets by A6, PROB_1: 25;

      reconsider B2 as SetSequence of Borel_Sets by A8, PROB_1: 25;


       A9: ( Union B1) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 26;


       A10: ( Union B2) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 26;

      (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2)) = INT


        for x be object holds x in (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2)) iff x in INT


          let x be object;

          thus x in (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2)) implies x in INT


            assume x in (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2));

            per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


               F0: x in ( Union B1);

              consider n be Nat such that

               F1: x in (B1 . n) by F0, PROB_1: 12;


               F2: x in (( Partial_Union A1) . n) by F1, A5;

              consider k be Nat such that

               G1: k <= n & x in (( Partial_Union A1) . k) by F2;

              consider m be Nat such that

               I0: m <= k & x in (A1 . m) by G1, PROB_3: 13;

              x in INT


                x in {m} by I0, A1;


                 I1: x = m by TARSKI:def 1;

                (m + 0 ) in NAT ;

                hence thesis by I1, NUMBERS: 17;


              hence thesis;


              suppose x in ( Union B2);


              consider k be Nat such that

               H1: x in (B2 . k) by PROB_1: 12;

              x in (( Partial_Union A2) . k) by H1, A7;


              consider z be Nat such that

               G1: z <= k & x in (A2 . z) by PROB_3: 13;

              x in {( - z)} by G1, A2;

              then x = ( - z) by TARSKI:def 1;

              hence thesis by INT_1:def 1;



          x in INT implies x in (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2))


            assume x in INT ;


            consider k be Nat such that

             E0: x = k or x = ( - k) by INT_1:def 1;

            per cases by E0;

              suppose x = k;


              reconsider p2 = x as Nat;

              x in (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2))


                ex k be Nat st x in (B1 . k)


                  ex q be Nat st x in (( Partial_Union A1) . q)


                    x in {p2} by TARSKI:def 1;

                    then x in (A1 . p2) by A1;

                    then x in (( Partial_Union A1) . p2) by PROB_3: 13;

                    hence thesis;



                  consider q be Nat such that

                   I0: x in (( Partial_Union A1) . q);

                  (B1 . q) = (( Partial_Union A1) . q) by A5;

                  hence thesis by I0;


                then x in ( Union B1) by PROB_1: 12;

                hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


              hence thesis;



               F1: x = ( - k);

              ( - k) is Element of INT by INT_1:def 1;


              consider z be Element of INT such that

               G0: z = ( - k) & ( - k) = x by F1;

              x in (( Union B1) \/ ( Union B2))


                ex k be Nat st x in (B2 . k)


                  ex q be Nat st x in (( Partial_Union A2) . q)



                     K0: x in {( - k)} by G0, TARSKI:def 1;

                    x in (A2 . k) by A2, K0;

                    then x in (( Partial_Union A2) . k) by PROB_3: 13;


                    consider q be Nat such that

                     I0: x in (( Partial_Union A2) . q);

                    thus thesis by I0;



                  consider q be Nat such that

                   I0: x in (( Partial_Union A2) . q);

                  (B2 . q) = (( Partial_Union A2) . q) by A7;

                  hence thesis by I0;


                then x in ( Union B2) or x in ( Union B2) by PROB_1: 12;

                hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


              hence thesis;



          hence thesis;


        hence thesis;


      hence thesis by A9, A10, PROB_1: 3;



      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      :: FINANCE2:def2

      func GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k) -> SetSequence of REAL means

      : Def4: for n be Nat holds (it . n) = {((pm * k) * ((n + 1) " ))};



        ex A be SetSequence of REAL st for n be Nat holds (A . n) = {((pm * k) * ((n + 1) " ))}


          deffunc U( Element of NAT ) = {((pm * k) * (($1 + 1) " ))};

          consider f be SetSequence of REAL such that

           A1: for d be Element of NAT holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 4;

          take f;

          let n be Nat;

          reconsider n as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;

          (f . n) = U(n) by A1;

          hence thesis;


        hence thesis;




        let f1,f2 be SetSequence of REAL ;


         A1: for d be Nat holds (f1 . d) = {((pm * k) * ((d + 1) " ))};


         A2: for d be Nat holds (f2 . d) = {((pm * k) * ((d + 1) " ))};

        for d be Nat holds (f1 . d) = (f2 . d)


          let d be Nat;

          (f2 . d) = {((pm * k) * ((d + 1) " ))} by A2;

          hence thesis by A1;


        hence thesis;




      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      :: original: GoCross_Seq_REAL


      func GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k) -> SetSequence of Borel_Sets ;



        for n be Nat holds (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . n) is Event of Borel_Sets


          let n be Nat;

           {((pm * k) * ((n + 1) " ))} in Borel_Sets by Th1;

          hence thesis by Def4;


        hence thesis by PROB_1: 25;




      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      cluster ( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) -> Borel_Sets -valued;

      coherence ;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:16

    for pm be Element of REAL , k be Nat st k > 0 & pm <> 0 holds ( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) is one-to-one


      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      let k be Nat;


       A1: k > 0 & pm <> 0 ;

      for x1,x2 be object st x1 in ( dom ( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k))) & x2 in ( dom ( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k))) & (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . x1) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . x2) holds x1 = x2


        let x1,x2 be object;


         B1: x1 in ( dom ( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)));


         B2: x2 in ( dom ( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)));


         B3: (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . x1) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . x2);

        reconsider x1 as Nat by B1;

        reconsider x2 as Nat by B2;

        set d1 = ((pm * k) * ((x1 + 1) " ));

         {((pm * k) * ((x1 + 1) " ))} = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . x1) & {((pm * k) * ((x2 + 1) " ))} = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . x2) by Def4;


         B8: d1 in {((pm * k) * ((x2 + 1) " ))} by TARSKI:def 1, B3;

        ((pm " ) * (pm * (k * ((x1 + 1) " )))) = ((pm " ) * (pm * (k * ((x2 + 1) " )))) by TARSKI:def 1, B8;


         C1: (((pm " ) * pm) * (k * ((x1 + 1) " ))) = (((pm " ) * pm) * (k * ((x2 + 1) " )));

        ((pm " ) * pm) = 1 by A1, XCMPLX_0:def 7;

        then ((k " ) * (k * ((x1 + 1) " ))) = ((k " ) * (k * ((x2 + 1) " ))) by C1;


         C2: (((k " ) * k) * ((x1 + 1) " )) = (((k " ) * k) * ((x2 + 1) " ));

        ((k " ) * k) = 1 by A1, XCMPLX_0:def 7;

        then (x1 + 1) = (x2 + 1) by C2, XCMPLX_1: 201;

        hence thesis;


      hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 4;



      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      :: FINANCE2:def3

      func GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k) -> SetSequence of REAL means

      : Def5: (it . 0 ) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . 0 ) & for n be Nat holds (it . (n + 1)) = ((it . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (n + 1)));



        defpred P[ set, set, set] means for x,y be Subset of REAL , s be Nat st s = $1 & x = $2 & y = $3 holds y = (x \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (s + 1)));


         A1: for n be Nat holds for x be Subset of REAL holds ex y be Subset of REAL st P[n, x, y]


          let n be Nat;

          let x be Subset of REAL ;

          take (x \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (n + 1)));

          thus thesis;


        consider F be SetSequence of REAL such that

         A2: (F . 0 ) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . 0 ) and

         A3: for n be Nat holds P[n, (F . n), (F . (n + 1))] from RECDEF_1:sch 2( A1);

        take F;

        thus (F . 0 ) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . 0 ) by A2;

        let n be Nat;

        thus thesis by A3;




        let S1,S2 be SetSequence of REAL such that

         A4: (S1 . 0 ) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . 0 ) and

         A5: for n be Nat holds (S1 . (n + 1)) = ((S1 . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (n + 1))) and

         A6: (S2 . 0 ) = (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . 0 ) and

         A7: for n be Nat holds (S2 . (n + 1)) = ((S2 . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (n + 1)));

        defpred P[ object] means (S1 . $1) = (S2 . $1);

        for n be object holds n in NAT implies P[n]


          let n be object;

          assume n in NAT ;


          reconsider n as Element of NAT ;


           A8: for k2 be Nat st P[k2] holds P[(k2 + 1)]


            let k2 be Nat;

            assume (S1 . k2) = (S2 . k2);


            hence (S1 . (k2 + 1)) = ((S2 . k2) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (k2 + 1))) by A5

            .= (S2 . (k2 + 1)) by A7;



           A9: P[ 0 ] by A4, A6;

          for k be Nat holds P[k] from NAT_1:sch 2( A9, A8);

          then (S1 . n) = (S2 . n);

          hence thesis;


        hence thesis;




      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      :: original: GoCross_Partial_Union


      func GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k) -> SetSequence of Borel_Sets ;



        defpred J[ Nat] means (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . $1) is Event of Borel_Sets ;

        (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . 0 ) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 25;


         J1: J[ 0 ] by Def5;


         J2: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


          let n be Nat;


           B1: J[n];


           C2: (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (n + 1)) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 25;

          ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . (n + 1))) is Event of Borel_Sets by B1, C2, PROB_1: 21;

          hence thesis by Def5;


        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J1, J2);

        hence thesis by PROB_1: 25;




      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      cluster ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) -> Borel_Sets -valued;

      coherence ;



      let k be Nat;

      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      cluster ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) -> non-descending;



        for s,q be Nat st s <= q holds (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . s) c= (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . q)


          let s,q be Nat;


           A1: s <= q;

          consider j be Nat such that

           S2: q = (s + j) by A1, NAT_1: 10;

          defpred J[ Nat] means (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . s) c= (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . (s + $1));


           J1: J[ 0 ];


           J2: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


            let n be Nat;


             B1: J[n];


             B20: (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . ((s + n) + 1)) = ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . (s + n)) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (pm,k)) . ((s + n) + 1))) by Def5;

            (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . s) c= (( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,k)) . (s + (n + 1))) by B1, XBOOLE_0:def 3, B20;

            hence thesis;


          for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J1, J2);

          hence thesis by S2;


        hence thesis;




      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      :: FINANCE2:def4

      func GoCross_Union (pm) -> SetSequence of REAL means

      : Def6: (it . 0 ) = ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm, 0 ))) & for n be Nat holds (it . (n + 1)) = ((it . n) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(n + 1)))));



        defpred P[ set, set, set] means for x,y be Subset of REAL , s be Nat st s = $1 & x = $2 & y = $3 holds y = (x \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(s + 1)))));


         A1: for n be Nat holds for x be Subset of REAL holds ex y be Subset of REAL st P[n, x, y]


          let n be Nat;

          let x be Subset of REAL ;

          take (x \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(n + 1)))));

          thus thesis;


        consider F be SetSequence of REAL such that

         A2: (F . 0 ) = ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm, 0 ))) and

         A3: for n be Nat holds P[n, (F . n), (F . (n + 1))] from RECDEF_1:sch 2( A1);

        take F;

        thus (F . 0 ) = ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm, 0 ))) by A2;

        let n be Nat;

        thus thesis by A3;




        let S1,S2 be SetSequence of REAL such that

         A4: (S1 . 0 ) = ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm, 0 ))) and

         A5: for n be Nat holds (S1 . (n + 1)) = ((S1 . n) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(n + 1))))) and

         A6: (S2 . 0 ) = ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm, 0 ))) and

         A7: for n be Nat holds (S2 . (n + 1)) = ((S2 . n) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(n + 1)))));

        defpred P[ object] means (S1 . $1) = (S2 . $1);

        for n be object holds n in NAT implies P[n]


          let n be object;

          assume n in NAT ;


          reconsider n as Nat;


           A8: for k2 be Nat st P[k2] holds P[(k2 + 1)]


            let k2 be Nat;

            assume (S1 . k2) = (S2 . k2);


            hence (S1 . (k2 + 1)) = ((S2 . k2) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(k2 + 1))))) by A5

            .= (S2 . (k2 + 1)) by A7;



           A9: P[ 0 ] by A4, A6;

          for k be Nat holds P[k] from NAT_1:sch 2( A9, A8);

          then (S1 . n) = (S2 . n);

          hence thesis;


        hence thesis;




      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      :: original: GoCross_Union


      func GoCross_Union (pm) -> SetSequence of Borel_Sets ;



        defpred J[ Nat] means (( GoCross_Union pm) . $1) is Event of Borel_Sets ;

        ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm, 0 ))) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 17;


         J1: J[ 0 ] by Def6;


         J2: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


          let n be Nat;


           B1: J[n];


           C2: ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(n + 1)))) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 17;

          ((( GoCross_Union pm) . n) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,(n + 1))))) is Event of Borel_Sets by B1, C2, PROB_1: 21;

          hence thesis by Def6;


        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J1, J2);

        hence thesis by PROB_1: 25;




      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      cluster ( GoCross_Union pm) -> Borel_Sets -valued;

      coherence ;



      let pm be Element of REAL ;

      cluster ( GoCross_Union pm) -> non-descending;



        for s,q be Nat st s <= q holds (( GoCross_Union pm) . s) c= (( GoCross_Union pm) . q)


          let s,q be Nat;

          assume s <= q;


          consider j be Nat such that

           S2: q = (s + j) by NAT_1: 10;

          defpred J[ Nat] means (( GoCross_Union pm) . s) c= (( GoCross_Union pm) . (s + $1));


           J1: J[ 0 ];


           J2: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


            let n be Nat;


             B1: J[n];


             B20: (( GoCross_Union pm) . ((s + n) + 1)) = ((( GoCross_Union pm) . (s + n)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (pm,((s + n) + 1))))) by Def6;

            (( GoCross_Union pm) . (s + n)) c= (( GoCross_Union pm) . (s + (n + 1))) by XBOOLE_0:def 3, B20;

            hence thesis by B1, XBOOLE_1: 1;


          for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J1, J2);

          hence thesis by S2;


        hence thesis;



    theorem :: FINANCE2:17


     Th3: for mym,myp be Element of REAL st mym = 1 & myp = ( - 1) holds (( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp))) = RAT


      let mym,myp be Element of REAL ;


       A: mym = 1 & myp = ( - 1);

      for x be object holds x in (( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp))) iff x in RAT


        let x be object;


         B1: x in (( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp))) implies x in RAT


          assume x in (( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp)));

          per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

            suppose x in ( Union ( GoCross_Union mym));


            consider k be Nat such that

             D1: x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . k) by PROB_1: 12;

            per cases ;

              suppose k = 0 ;

              then x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 ))) by D1, Def6;


              consider k2 be Nat such that

               E1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . k2) by PROB_1: 12;

              per cases ;

                suppose k2 = 0 ;

                then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . 0 ) by E1, Def5;

                then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;


                suppose k2 > 0 ;


                consider n be Nat such that

                 H1: k2 = (n + 1) by NAT_1: 6;

                x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by E1, H1, Def5;

                per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                   H1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n);

                  defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . $1) implies x in RAT ;

                  x in RAT



                     J0: J[ 0 ]


                      assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . 0 );

                      then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . 0 ) by Def5;

                      then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                      then x = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;

                      hence thesis by NUMBERS: 18;



                     J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


                      let n be Nat;


                       K1: J[n];

                      assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                      then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by Def5;

                      per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                        suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n);

                        hence thesis by K1;


                        suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                        then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                        then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                        hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;



                    for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                    hence thesis by H1;


                  hence thesis;


                  suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                  then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                  then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                  hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;




              suppose k > 0 ;


              consider kh be Nat such that

               H1: k = (kh + 1) by NAT_1: 6;

              x in ((( GoCross_Union mym) . kh) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))))) by D1, H1, Def6;

              per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                 J00: x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . kh);

                defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                 J0: J[ 0 ]


                  assume x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . 0 );

                  then x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 ))) by Def6;


                  consider k2 be Nat such that

                   E1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . k2) by PROB_1: 12;

                  per cases ;

                    suppose k2 = 0 ;

                    then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . 0 ) by E1, Def5;

                    then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                    then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                    hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;


                    suppose k2 > 0 ;


                    consider n be Nat such that

                     H1: k2 = (n + 1) by NAT_1: 6;

                    x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by E1, H1, Def5;

                    per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                       H1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n);

                      defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                       J0: J[ 0 ]


                        assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . 0 );

                        then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . 0 ) by Def5;

                        then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                        then x = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;

                        hence thesis by NUMBERS: 18;



                       J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


                        let n be Nat;


                         K1: J[n];

                        assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                        then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by Def5;

                        per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                          suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym, 0 )) . n);

                          hence thesis by K1;


                          suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                          then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                          then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                          hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;



                      for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                      hence thesis by H1;


                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                      then x in {((mym * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                      then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                      hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;





                 J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


                  let n be Nat;


                   K0000: J[n];

                  x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . (n + 1)) implies x in RAT


                    assume x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . (n + 1));

                    then x in ((( GoCross_Union mym) . n) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))))) by Def6;

                    per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . n);

                      hence thesis by K0000;


                      suppose x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))));


                      consider k be Nat such that

                       H1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . k) by PROB_1: 12;

                      defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                       J0: J[ 0 ]


                        assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . 0 );

                        then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,(n + 1))) . 0 ) by Def5;

                        then x in {((mym * (n + 1)) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                        then x = (1 * (n + 1)) by TARSKI:def 1, A;

                        hence thesis by NUMBERS: 17, NUMBERS: 14;



                       J1: for k be Nat st J[k] holds J[(k + 1)]


                        let k be Nat;


                         K0: J[k];

                        set o = (n + 1), o2 = (k + 2), o3 = (k + 1);

                        x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . (k + 1)) implies x in RAT


                          assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . (k + 1));

                          then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . k) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,(n + 1))) . (k + 1))) by Def5;

                          per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                            suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(n + 1))) . k);

                            hence thesis by K0;


                            suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,(n + 1))) . (k + 1));

                            then x in {((mym * (n + 1)) * ((o3 + 1) " ))} by Def4;


                             OZ: x = ((n + 1) * ((k + 2) " )) by TARSKI:def 1, A;

                            reconsider o2, o as Element of INT by NUMBERS: 17;

                            (o / o2) is Element of RAT by RAT_1:def 1;

                            hence thesis by OZ;



                        hence thesis;


                      for k be Nat holds J[k] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                      hence thesis by H1;



                  hence thesis;


                for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                hence thesis by J00;


                suppose x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))));


                consider q be Nat such that

                 JK0: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . q) by PROB_1: 12;

                defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                 J0: J[ 0 ]


                  assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . 0 );

                  then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,(kh + 1))) . 0 ) by Def5;

                  then x in {((mym * (kh + 1)) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                  then x = ((mym * (kh + 1)) * (1 " )) by TARSKI:def 1;

                  hence thesis by A, NUMBERS: 17, NUMBERS: 14;



                 J1: for k be Nat st J[k] holds J[(k + 1)]


                  let k be Nat;


                   K0: J[k];

                  set o = (kh + 1), o2 = (k + 2), o3 = (k + 1);

                  x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1)) implies x in RAT


                    assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1));

                    then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . k) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1))) by Def5;

                    per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(kh + 1))) . k);

                      hence thesis by K0;


                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1));

                      then x in {((mym * (kh + 1)) * ((o3 + 1) " ))} by Def4;


                       OZ: x = ((kh + 1) * ((k + 2) " )) by TARSKI:def 1, A;

                      reconsider o2, o as Element of INT by NUMBERS: 17;

                      (o / o2) is Element of RAT by RAT_1:def 1;

                      hence thesis by OZ;



                  hence thesis;


                for k be Nat holds J[k] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                hence thesis by JK0;




            suppose x in ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp));


            consider k be Nat such that

             D1: x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . k) by PROB_1: 12;

            per cases ;

              suppose k = 0 ;

              then x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 ))) by D1, Def6;


              consider k2 be Nat such that

               E1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . k2) by PROB_1: 12;

              per cases ;

                suppose k2 = 0 ;

                then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . 0 ) by E1, Def5;

                then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;


                suppose k2 > 0 ;


                consider n be Nat such that

                 H1: k2 = (n + 1) by NAT_1: 6;

                x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by E1, H1, Def5;

                per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                   H1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n);

                  defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                   J0: J[ 0 ]


                    assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . 0 );

                    then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . 0 ) by Def5;

                    then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                    then x = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;

                    hence thesis by NUMBERS: 18;


                  x in RAT



                     J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


                      let n be Nat;


                       K1: J[n];

                      assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                      then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by Def5;

                      per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                        suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n);

                        hence thesis by K1;


                        suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                        then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                        then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                        hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;



                    for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                    hence thesis by H1;


                  hence thesis;


                  suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                  then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                  then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                  hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;




              suppose k > 0 ;


              consider kh be Nat such that

               H1: k = (kh + 1) by NAT_1: 6;

              x in ((( GoCross_Union myp) . kh) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))))) by D1, H1, Def6;

              per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                 J00: x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . kh);

                defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                 J0: J[ 0 ]


                  assume x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . 0 );

                  then x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 ))) by Def6;


                  consider k2 be Nat such that

                   E1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . k2) by PROB_1: 12;

                  per cases ;

                    suppose k2 = 0 ;

                    then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . 0 ) by E1, Def5;

                    then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                    then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                    hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;


                    suppose k2 > 0 ;


                    consider n be Nat such that

                     H1: k2 = (n + 1) by NAT_1: 6;

                    x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by E1, H1, Def5;

                    per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                       H1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n);

                      x in RAT


                        defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                         J0: J[ 0 ]


                          assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . 0 );

                          then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . 0 ) by Def5;

                          then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                          then x = 0 by TARSKI:def 1;

                          hence thesis by NUMBERS: 18;



                         J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


                          let n be Nat;


                           K1: J[n];

                          assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                          then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1))) by Def5;

                          per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                            suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp, 0 )) . n);

                            hence thesis by K1;


                            suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                            then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                            then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                            hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;



                        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                        hence thesis by H1;


                      hence thesis;


                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp, 0 )) . (n + 1));

                      then x in {((myp * 0 ) * (((n + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                      then x in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                      hence thesis by NUMBERS: 14;





                 J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


                  let n be Nat;


                   K0000: J[n];

                  x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . (n + 1)) implies x in RAT


                    assume x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . (n + 1));

                    then x in ((( GoCross_Union myp) . n) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))))) by Def6;

                    per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . n);

                      hence thesis by K0000;


                      suppose x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))));


                      consider k be Nat such that

                       H1: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . k) by PROB_1: 12;

                      defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                       J0: J[ 0 ]


                        assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . 0 );

                        then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,(n + 1))) . 0 ) by Def5;

                        then x in {((myp * (n + 1)) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;


                         HH: x = ( - (1 * (n + 1))) by TARSKI:def 1, A;

                        ( - (n + 1)) is Element of INT by INT_1:def 1;

                        hence thesis by HH, NUMBERS: 14;



                       J1: for k be Nat st J[k] holds J[(k + 1)]


                        let k be Nat;


                         K0: J[k];

                        x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . (k + 1)) implies x in RAT


                          assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . (k + 1));

                          then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . k) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,(n + 1))) . (k + 1))) by Def5;

                          per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                            suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(n + 1))) . k);

                            hence thesis by K0;


                            suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,(n + 1))) . (k + 1));

                            then x in {((myp * (n + 1)) * (((k + 1) + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                            hence thesis by A, RAT_1:def 2;



                        hence thesis;


                      for k be Nat holds J[k] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                      hence thesis by H1;



                  hence thesis;


                for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                hence thesis by J00;


                suppose x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))));


                consider q be Nat such that

                 JK0: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . q) by PROB_1: 12;

                defpred J[ Nat] means x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . $1) implies x in RAT ;


                 J0: J[ 0 ]


                  assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . 0 );

                  then x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,(kh + 1))) . 0 ) by Def5;

                  then x in {((myp * (kh + 1)) * (( 0 + 1) " ))} by Def4;


                   HH: x = ( - (kh + 1)) by TARSKI:def 1, A;

                  ( - (kh + 1)) in INT by INT_1:def 1;

                  hence thesis by HH, NUMBERS: 14;



                 J1: for k be Nat st J[k] holds J[(k + 1)]


                  let k be Nat;


                   K0: J[k];

                  set o3 = (k + 1);

                  x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1)) implies x in RAT


                    assume x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1));

                    then x in ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . k) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1))) by Def5;

                    per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(kh + 1))) . k);

                      hence thesis by K0;


                      suppose x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,(kh + 1))) . (k + 1));

                      then x in {((myp * (kh + 1)) * ((o3 + 1) " ))} by Def4;

                      hence thesis by A, RAT_1:def 2;



                  hence thesis;


                for k be Nat holds J[k] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

                hence thesis by JK0;





        x in RAT implies x in (( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp)))


          assume x in RAT ;


          reconsider x as Rational;

          consider m be Integer, k be Nat such that

           C0: k <> 0 & x = (m / k) by RAT_1: 8;

          consider m2 be Nat such that

           C2: m = m2 or m = ( - m2) by INT_1: 2;

          per cases by C2;


             S1: m = m2;

            consider q2 be Nat such that

             F2: q2 = (k - 1) by C0;


             G1: x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,m2)) . q2)


              (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,m2)) . q2) = {((1 * m2) * ((q2 + 1) " ))} by Def4, A;

              hence thesis by C0, S1, F2, TARSKI:def 1;



             G2: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,m2)) . q2)


              per cases ;

                suppose q2 = 0 ;

                hence thesis by Def5, G1;


                suppose q2 > 0 ;


                consider q3 be Nat such that

                 F2: q3 = (q2 - 1);

                x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,m2)) . q2)


                  (( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,m2)) . (q3 + 1)) = ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,m2)) . q3) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (mym,m2)) . (q3 + 1))) by Def5;

                  hence thesis by F2, G1, XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                hence thesis;



            x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . m2)


              per cases ;


                 I1: m2 = 0 ;

                x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,m2))) by G2, PROB_1: 12;

                hence thesis by I1, Def6;


                suppose m2 > 0 ;


                consider m3 be Nat such that

                 F2: m3 = (m2 - 1);


                 I2: x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . m3) or x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(m3 + 1)))) by F2, G2, PROB_1: 12;

                x in (( GoCross_Union mym) . m2)


                  (( GoCross_Union mym) . (m3 + 1)) = ((( GoCross_Union mym) . m3) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (mym,(m3 + 1))))) by Def6;

                  hence thesis by I2, XBOOLE_0:def 3, F2;


                hence thesis;



            then x in ( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) by PROB_1: 12;

            hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;



             S1: m = ( - m2);

            consider q2 be Nat such that

             F2: q2 = (k - 1) by C0;


             G1: x in (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,m2)) . q2)


              (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,m2)) . q2) = {((( - 1) * m2) * ((q2 + 1) " ))} by Def4, A;

              hence thesis by C0, S1, F2, TARSKI:def 1;



             G2: x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,m2)) . q2)


              per cases ;

                suppose q2 = 0 ;

                hence thesis by Def5, G1;


                suppose q2 > 0 ;


                consider q3 be Nat such that

                 F2: q3 = (q2 - 1);

                x in (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,m2)) . q2)


                  (( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,m2)) . (q3 + 1)) = ((( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,m2)) . q3) \/ (( GoCross_Seq_REAL (myp,m2)) . (q3 + 1))) by Def5;

                  hence thesis by F2, G1, XBOOLE_0:def 3;


                hence thesis;



            x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . m2)


              per cases ;

                suppose m2 = 0 ;

                then (( GoCross_Union myp) . m2) = ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,m2))) by Def6;

                hence thesis by G2, PROB_1: 12;


                suppose m2 > 0 ;


                consider m3 be Nat such that

                 F2: m3 = (m2 - 1);


                 I2: x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . m3) or x in ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(m3 + 1)))) by F2, G2, PROB_1: 12;

                x in (( GoCross_Union myp) . m2)


                  (( GoCross_Union myp) . (m3 + 1)) = ((( GoCross_Union myp) . m3) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Partial_Union (myp,(m3 + 1))))) by Def6;

                  hence thesis by I2, XBOOLE_0:def 3, F2;


                hence thesis;



            then x in ( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) or x in ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp)) by PROB_1: 12;

            hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;



        hence thesis by B1;


      hence thesis;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:18


     Th41: RAT is Event of Borel_Sets


      reconsider mym = 1 as Element of REAL by Ko1;

      consider myp be Element of REAL such that

       A10: myp = ( - mym);


       A0: (( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) \/ ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp))) = RAT by A10, Th3;


       A1: ( Union ( GoCross_Union mym)) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 17;

      ( Union ( GoCross_Union myp)) is Event of Borel_Sets by PROB_1: 17;

      hence thesis by A1, PROB_1: 21, A0;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:19

    ( REAL \ INT ) is Event of Borel_Sets


      consider Y be Subset of REAL such that

       A2: Y = INT by NUMBERS: 15;

      (Y ` ) is Event of Borel_Sets by Th40, A2, PROB_1: 20;

      hence thesis by A2;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:20

    ( REAL \ RAT ) is Event of Borel_Sets


      consider Y be Subset of REAL such that

       A2: Y = RAT by NUMBERS: 12;

      (Y ` ) is Event of Borel_Sets by Th41, A2, PROB_1: 20;

      hence thesis by A2;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:21

     IRRAT is Event of Borel_Sets


      consider Y be Subset of REAL such that

       A2: Y = RAT by NUMBERS: 12;

      (Y ` ) is Event of Borel_Sets by Th41, A2, PROB_1: 20;

      hence thesis by A2;



    theorem :: FINANCE2:22

     Borel_Sets = ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 )



       A1: ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 ) c= ( sigma Family_of_halflines )


         Family_of_halflines2 c= ( sigma Family_of_halflines )


          for x be object holds x in Family_of_halflines2 implies x in ( sigma Family_of_halflines )


            let x be object;

            assume x in Family_of_halflines2 ;


            consider r be Element of REAL such that

             B1: x = ( right_closed_halfline r);

            x is Element of Borel_Sets by FINANCE1: 3, B1;

            hence thesis;


          hence thesis;


        hence thesis by PROB_1:def 9;


      ( sigma Family_of_halflines ) c= ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 )


         Family_of_halflines c= ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 )


          for x be object holds x in Family_of_halflines implies x in ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 )


            let x be object;

            assume x in Family_of_halflines ;


            consider r be Element of REAL such that

             B1: x = ( halfline r);

            ( right_closed_halfline r) is Event of ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 )


              set L = ( right_closed_halfline r);


               A3: L in Family_of_halflines2 & L = [.r, +infty .[;

               Family_of_halflines2 c= ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 ) by PROB_1:def 9;

              hence thesis by A3;


            then (( halfline r) ` ) is Event of ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 ) by FINANCE1: 2;

            then ((( halfline r) ` ) ` ) is Event of ( sigma Family_of_halflines2 ) by PROB_1: 15;

            hence thesis by B1;


          hence thesis;


        hence thesis by PROB_1:def 9;


      hence thesis by A1;



    reserve Omega,Omega2 for non empty set;

    reserve Sigma for SigmaField of Omega;

    reserve Sigma2 for SigmaField of Omega2;

    reserve X,Y,Z for Function of Omega, REAL ;

    theorem :: FINANCE2:23

    for X,Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets holds (X + Y) is random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets


      let X,Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets ;

      reconsider X, Y as Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma by RANDOM_3: 9;

      (X + Y) is Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma;

      hence thesis by RANDOM_3: 9;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:24

    for X,Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets holds (X - Y) is random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets


      let X,Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets ;

      reconsider X, Y as Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma by RANDOM_3: 9;

      (X - Y) is Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma;

      hence thesis by RANDOM_3: 9;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:25

    for X,Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets holds (X (#) Y) is random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets


      let X,Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets ;

      reconsider X, Y as Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma by RANDOM_3: 9;

      (X (#) Y) is Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma;

      hence thesis by RANDOM_3: 9;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:26


     Th8: for r be Real, X be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets holds (r (#) X) is random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets


      let r be Real;

      let Y be random_variable of Sigma, Borel_Sets ;

      reconsider Y as Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma by RANDOM_3: 9;

      (r (#) Y) is Real-Valued-Random-Variable of Sigma;

      hence thesis by RANDOM_3: 9;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:27


     T: for Omega,Omega2 be non empty set holds for F be SigmaField of Omega holds for F2 be SigmaField of Omega2 holds for k be Element of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F,F2)) holds ( Change_Element_to_Func (F,F2,k)) is random_variable of F, F2


      let Omega,Omega2 be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let F2 be SigmaField of Omega2;

      let k be Element of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F,F2));

      ( Change_Element_to_Func (F,F2,k)) is Element of { f where f be Function of Omega, Omega2 : f is F, F2 -random_variable-like } by FINANCE1:def 7;

      then ( Change_Element_to_Func (F,F2,k)) in { f where f be Function of Omega, Omega2 : f is F, F2 -random_variable-like };

      then ex Y be Function of Omega, Omega2 st ( Change_Element_to_Func (F,F2,k)) = Y & Y is F, F2 -random_variable-like;

      hence thesis;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:28


     T1: for Omega be non empty set holds for F be SigmaField of Omega holds for k be Element of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F, Borel_Sets )) holds ( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,k)) is random_variable of F, Borel_Sets


      let Omega be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let k be Element of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F, Borel_Sets ));

      ( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,k)) = ( Change_Element_to_Func (F, Borel_Sets ,k)) by FINANCE1:def 8;

      hence thesis by T;


    theorem :: FINANCE2:29

    for p be Nat holds for Omega,Omega2 be non empty set holds for F be SigmaField of Omega holds for F2 be SigmaField of Omega2 holds for G be sequence of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F,F2)) holds ( Element_Of (F,F2,G,p)) is random_variable of F, F2


      let p be Nat;

      let Omega,Omega2 be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let F2 be SigmaField of Omega2;

      let G be sequence of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F,F2));

      (G . p) in ( set_of_random_variables_on (F,F2));


      consider Y be Function of Omega, Omega2 such that

       A2: (G . p) = Y & Y is F, F2 -random_variable-like;

      ( Element_Of (F,F2,G,p)) = Y by FINANCE1:def 9, A2;

      hence thesis by A2;



      let Omega be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let X be non empty set;

      let G be sequence of X;

      let phi be Real_Sequence;

      let n be Nat;

      :: FINANCE2:def5

      func RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n) -> Function of Omega, REAL means

      : Def5000: for w be Element of Omega holds (it . w) = ((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) . w) * (phi . n));



        deffunc U( Element of Omega) = ( In (((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) . $1) * (phi . n)), REAL ));

        consider f be Function of Omega, REAL such that

         A1: for d be Element of Omega holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 4;

        take f;

        let n be Element of Omega;

        (f . n) = U(n) by A1;

        hence thesis;




        let f1,f2 be Function of Omega, REAL ;

        assume that

         A2: for w be Element of Omega holds (f1 . w) = ((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) . w) * (phi . n)) and

         A3: for w be Element of Omega holds (f2 . w) = ((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) . w) * (phi . n));

        for w be Element of Omega holds (f1 . w) = (f2 . w)


          let w be Element of Omega;

          (f2 . w) = ((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) . w) * (phi . n)) by A3;

          hence thesis by A2;


        hence thesis;



    theorem :: FINANCE2:30

    for Omega be non empty set holds for F be SigmaField of Omega holds for G be sequence of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F, Borel_Sets )) holds for phi be Real_Sequence holds for n be Nat holds ( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n)) is random_variable of F, Borel_Sets


      let Omega be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let G be sequence of ( set_of_random_variables_on (F, Borel_Sets ));

      let phi be Real_Sequence;

      let n be Nat;

      ( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) is random_variable of F, Borel_Sets by T1;


       A1: ((phi . n) (#) ( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n)))) is random_variable of F, Borel_Sets by Th8;

      for w be Element of Omega holds (((phi . n) (#) ( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n)))) . w) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n)) . w)


        let w be Element of Omega;

        ((phi . n) * (( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n))) . w)) = (((phi . n) (#) ( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . n)))) . w) by VALUED_1: 6;

        hence thesis by Def5000;


      hence thesis by A1, FUNCT_2: 63;



      let phi be Real_Sequence;

      let Omega be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let X be non empty set;

      let G be sequence of X;

      let w be Element of Omega;

      :: FINANCE2:def6

      func RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w) -> Real_Sequence means

      : Def5001: for n be Nat holds (it . n) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n)) . w);



        deffunc U( Element of NAT ) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,$1)) . w);

        consider f be Real_Sequence such that

         A1: for d be Element of NAT holds (f . d) = U(d) from FUNCT_2:sch 4;

        take f;

        let n be Nat;

        reconsider n as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12;

        (f . n) = U(n) by A1;

        hence thesis;




        let f1,f2 be Real_Sequence;

        assume that

         A1: for n be Nat holds (f1 . n) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n)) . w) and

         A2: for n be Nat holds (f2 . n) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n)) . w);

        for n be Nat holds (f1 . n) = (f2 . n)


          let n be Nat;

          (f1 . n) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,n)) . w) by A1;

          hence thesis by A2;


        hence thesis;




      let d be Nat;

      let phi be Real_Sequence;

      let Omega be non empty set;

      let F be SigmaField of Omega;

      let X be non empty set;

      let G be sequence of X;

      let w be Element of Omega;

      :: original: PortfolioValueFutExt


      :: FINANCE2:def7

      func PortfolioValueFutExt (d,phi,F,G,w) -> Real equals (( Partial_Sums ( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w))) . d);



        defpred J[ Nat] means (( Partial_Sums ( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G))) . $1) = (( Partial_Sums ( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w))) . $1);

        (( Partial_Sums ( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G))) . 0 ) = (( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G)) . 0 ) by SERIES_1:def 1;

        then (( Partial_Sums ( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G))) . 0 ) = ((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . 0 ))) . w) * (phi . 0 )) by FINANCE1:def 10;

        then (( Partial_Sums ( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G))) . 0 ) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G, 0 )) . w) by Def5000;

        then (( Partial_Sums ( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G))) . 0 ) = (( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w)) . 0 ) by Def5001;


         J0: J[ 0 ] by SERIES_1:def 1;


         J1: for n be Nat st J[n] holds J[(n + 1)]


          let n be Nat;


           B0: J[n];


           B2: (( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G)) . (n + 1)) = (( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w)) . (n + 1))


            (( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w)) . (n + 1)) = (( RVElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,G,(n + 1))) . w) by Def5001;

            then (( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w)) . (n + 1)) = ((( ElementsOfPortfolioValueProb_fut (F,(G . (n + 1)))) . w) * (phi . (n + 1))) by Def5000;

            hence thesis by FINANCE1:def 10;


          (( Partial_Sums ( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G))) . (n + 1)) = ((( Partial_Sums ( RVPortfolioValueFutExt_El (phi,F,G,w))) . n) + (( ElementsOfPortfolioValue_fut (phi,F,w,G)) . (n + 1))) by SERIES_1:def 1, B0;

          hence thesis by B2, SERIES_1:def 1;


        for n be Nat holds J[n] from NAT_1:sch 2( J0, J1);

        hence thesis;

